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Cosmic Politics - The Emerald Covenant and Various Intergalactic Coalitions & Treaties
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Cosmic Politics - The Emerald Covenant and Various Intergalactic Coalitions & Treaties

Cosmic Politics - The Emerald Covenant and Various Intergalactic Coalitions & Treaties

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Published by Ra Ka Isha
Cosmic Politics - The Emerald Covenant and Various Intergalactic Coalitions & Treaties
Cosmic Politics - The Emerald Covenant and Various Intergalactic Coalitions & Treaties

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Published by: Ra Ka Isha on Aug 19, 2013
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Cosmic Politics - The Emerald Covenant and Various Intergalactic Coalitions & Treaties

By Ashley Kieran Grimshaw and James Pover in Awake n Aware Spiritual Soulution Focus Movement (Files)· Edit Doc · Delete An excerpt from Voyagers II: Secrets of Amenti, transcribed by Ashayana Deane.

Through the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition deals of the early 1980s, Illuminati races originally running the Falcon agenda under command of the Rigelians and the Zeta Treaties suddenly found their 1930s Zeta Treaties nullified. The fate of the Drakonian Illuminati ws placed forcefully and precariously in the hands of the new, fully dictatorial Necromiton-controlled Andromie-Rigelian-Coalition. To strengthen the Necromitons' covert access to Earth territories, the 1983 Montauk Project was organized by the Necromiton-Andromie White Eagle and Zeta Rigelian/Drakonian Falcon forces, through cooperating (and now terrified or rebelling) Illuminati factions. Through the Montauk Project , the Phi-Ex Wormhole from 1943 was "spliced into," directing a main channel to NecromitonAndromie Alpha-Omega Centauri territories in the adjacent Phantom Time Matrix. The Necromiton races now had extensive access to Earth Territories, and they began a covert genocide program against Illuminati races that would not join the Andormie-Rigelian Coalition. The Illuminati fiasco of the 1930s-1940s turned into the Illuminati chaos of 1983. In response to the threat of the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition, the Omicron-Drakonian forces of Alnitak Orion sent large fleets into the Density-2 (dimensions 4-5-6) and Density-3 (dimensions 7-8-9) territories surrounding Earth-Tara-Gaia, with the intention of protecting the interests of the original Drakonian/Reptilian Dragon OWO agenda. In response to this advancing Drakonian/Reptilian presence, various competing Anunnaki legions of Sirius A, Arcturus, Pleiades-Alcyone, Nibiru, Andromeda, Orion, the GALACTIC FEDERATION and ASHTAR COMMAND sent fleets of reinforcements into proximity of Earth access points. Warring in Densities 2 and 3 (dimensions 4-9) broke out between competing Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian force, in both our Time Matrix and the Phantom Matrix. The "war above" became the covert "War of Frequency" below, as each group intensified its use of sub-space sonic scalar pulse technologies to secure their holdings of various APIN sites [Atlantian Pylon Implant Network - implanted system in active use as tools of territorial dominion by various competing Fallen Angelic/Intruder ET factions throughout the Atlantian period]. The progressive use of covert sonic pulse technologies, which was progressively accelerated by the Fallen Angelic legions since the 1950s, was directly responsible for a host of regionally cataclysmic "natural disasters," particularly those involving Earthquake and Hurricane events. Throughout this mess of interstellar chaos at our earthly door, Emerald Covenant Maharaji fleets from Sirius B, Tara and Gaia and the many interstellar Emerald Covenant nations have tried to sustain a frequency "buffer zone" around Earth access points. The GA, Eiyani and Founders have done their best to prevent this growing intergalactic "Battle of the Angelic and Fallen Angelic Kingdoms" from descending into Density-1 Earth territories. The Emerald Covenant Founders races of Lyra Aramatena intervened directly (Lyra Aramatena is Density-4, dimensions 10-11-12 and appears as the star "Double Double" in Lyra from Density-1 Earth view.) They became aware that by 2976AD Earth would be destroyed, before the intervention opportunity of another SAC [Stellar Activation Cycle] could ocur, if Zeta Rigelian/Drakonian occupation of Earth was successful during the 2000-2017 period. Between 1983-1984 the Founders, GA, Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds and Emerald Covenant nations created the Bridge Zone Project crisis-intervention plan. Through tenets of the Bridge Zone Project initiative , "Amnesty Contracts" were offered to any interstallar races in our Time Matrix willing to enter the Emerald Covenant Peace Treaty. Redemption Contracts were offered to the Fallen Angelic/ET Races from the Phantom Matrix, in which they would receive the extensive assistance needed to become free from the Phantom Matrix Time Cycles, if they would enter and honor the Emerald Covenant. Many non-Rigelian Zeta races accepted the Amnesty and Redemption Contracts, fearful of the building "Super-Stellar-powers Final Conflict" drama. Guardian races were hoping that Anunnaki legions could be persuaded to give up their long-held OWO (One World Order) dominion agenda to make a United Emerald Covenant Stand against the dominant Drakonian/Reptilian Necromiton-Andromie/Zeta Rigelian "Falcon" force. Smaller factions of some Anunnaki collectives, such as the Jehovian Enoch collective of Sirius A, Arcturus and Orion, gave up their previous OWO Jehovian Anunnaki dominion agenda in 1983 for Emerald Covenant Redemption Contracts. Other Anunnaki factions, such as Ashtar Command, Nibiruan-Thoth-Enki collective, the Galactic Federation, the Pleiadian-Samjase-Luciferian collective, the Marduke-

Dramin collective, the Alpha-Omega Nephilim Annu-Melchizedeks and Necromiton-Andromies held onto their respective OWO agendas until their "ultimate stronghold" was considerably compromised in 1992. The Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements and Hurricane Andrew 1992': "Since implementation of the NDC-Grid Photo-sonic installation and the NET of 25,500BC Atlantis, the Anunnaki races have steadily moved their intended Atlatian Conspiracy Luciferian Covenant OWO dominion agenda forward through remote Photo-sonic control of Earth's Planetary Templar Complex via the NDC-Grid [Nibiruan-Diodic-Crystal.] Throughout the progression of the 1980s Andromie-Rigelian Coalition agenda, the Anunnaki races remained confident of their ultimate victory and OWO dominion within the peding 2000-2017 AD SAC Final Conflict drama. The Anunnaki believed that they would be able to use the NET to awaken and manipulate enough of their Illuminati Sleeper Races, and unsuspecting Human races within the "channeling" movement, to make a stand to the Illuminati factions that they had lost to the Necromiton-controlled Andromie-Rigelian Coalition. The Anunnaki intended to use "channelers" to teach unsuspecting Illuminati Sleepers and HUman populations how to orchestrate false planetary healing operations utilizing distorted scalar-pulse and Merkaba Mechanics technologies that would be amplified through the NDC-Grid. Through these distorted Biotronic/Merkabic technologies, the Anunnaki believed that they would be able to reclaim from competing forces Earth's 12 Primary Star Gate territories and corresponding Ley Line systems, as each Star Gate naturally opened during the 2000-2017 SAC. In 1992 Anunnaki legions were confronted with yet another unpleasant surprise as Andromie-Rigelian and collaborating factions of the Omicron Drakonian and Odedicron Reptilian Falcon force began to utilize the Montauk-Phi Ex Wormhole and Falcon APIN system to gain control over the Anunnaki NDC-Grid and the NET - ["Nibiruan Electro-Static Transduction" field originally constructed in Atlantis by invading Nibiruan Anunnaki races beginning in 25,500BC, and "anchored" into Earth's Planetary Shield via the NDC-Grid and Nibiruan Crystal Temple Network.Since 9558BC, the Anunnaki have been preparing the NET to be "lowered" into D-3 frequency bands as a Frequency Fence, through which they intended to gain easy control over Earth's populations during the scheduled 2000-2017 SAC invasion.] - via scalar pulse transmissions. Suddenly the overly confident Anunnaki forces became willing to enter negotiations for Emerald Covenant Redemption Contracts with Emerald Covenant nations. Because the Anunnakis feared complete loss of their NDC-Grid/NET stronghold on Earth, some of their leading factions reluctantly entered the Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements in November 1992. In these agreements, the Pleiadian and Nibiruan Anunnaki legions and portions of GALACTIC FEDERATION and ASHTAR COMMAND agreed to put the NET/NDC-Grid installation and their artificial hold on Solar Star Gate-4 back under Guardian Azurite Universal Templar Security team protection. The Andromie-Rigelian Coalition had their immediate sights set on conquest of Anunnaki-held Nibiru, a planetary environment more suitable to Necromiton-Andromie biological requirements and a strategic "power spot" in relation to conquest of Earth and dominion over the Halls of Amenti. The Pleiadian-Nibriuan Anunnaki of the "Phoenix" and "Serpent" APIN systems promised to honor the Emerald Covenant if the Founders would assist them in using the NET/NDC-Grid to close by force the Necromiton-controlled Montauk-Phi-Ex/Falcon Wormhole. If utilized by Guardian races via Sirius B Star Gate-6, the already operational NET/NDC-Grid installation could be reprogrammed to carry and amplify D12 and Primal Life Force Trion Currents from beyond this Time Matrix. If returned to the protection of the Emerald Covenant nations, the NET/NDC-Grid of Earth had the power to temporarily seal or "Cap" the Montauk-Phi-Ex/Falcon Wormhole, preventing the Andromie-Rigelian "Falcon-Eagle," Omicron-Odedicron Drakonian "Dragon" and Jehovian Anunnaki "Dove" raider races from further advancing their Earth-Nibiru-Amenti dominion agendas. Emerald Covenant races had been trying unsuccessfully to cap the Montauk-Phi-Ex/Falcon Wormhole since WW2. On August 12, 1992, they had almost succeeded when the Zeta Rigelians, with the assistance of the Necromiton-Andromie "Montauk Boys," launched a vicious sonic pulse transmission from their Star Gate-3 Bermuda base, into the Falcon wormhole, further expanding the Falcon and preventing application of the frequency cap. The unstable expansion of the Falcon wormhole caused major deep marine disturbances throughout the Atlantic Ocean, reports of which the Illuminati withheld from public disclosure. On August 24, 1992, the Falcon wormhole amplified the intensity of Hurricane Andrew, creating wind speeds in the range of 250-300m.p.h. Hurricane Andrew changed direction suddenly heading for the Dade County, Florida area. The Falcon agenda Illuminati knew of the direction change in time to call for evacuations, but their Fallen Angelic Necromiton-Andromie "commandos" ordered them to "misplace" this information and give warning only when evacuation time was spent. The Zeta Rigelians and Necromiton-Andromie forces used Hurricane Andrew to secure yet another Human and Maji "Population Reduction event. The devastation of Hurricane Andrew was one of the greatest recored "natural" disasters in US history. When the Pleiadian-Nibiruan Anunnakis finally

decided they wanted to "deal," and offered to turn over their NDC-Grid, NET, Phoenix and Serpent APIN systems to Emerald Covenant races, the opportunity to safely cap the Falcon wormhole was finally at hand. In November 1992, the PleiadianSirian Agreements of the Emerald Covenant Peace Treaty were formalized.

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