A jagged violet rift opens in the air behind you. Irresistable, an unseen force sends you tumbling backward, falling through a skyscape of bruised
amaranthine hues before landing suddenly on hard ground, utterly disoriented.
This room has not been mapped.
Afloat amid a hellish subterrane.
The Gorefyre Hydra dominates the surroundings, innumerable heads gnashing above gargantuan rust-red coils. Morgfyre, the Legion floats in the air,
chaotic tendrils of nether energy lashing about His form. He wields a serpentine staff of primal energies in His left hand.
There are no obvious exits.
10985h, 5200m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-kneel morgfyre
10985h, 5180m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(-20 Mana) kneel
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
10985h, 5180m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-
Morgfyre's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
10985h, 5159m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(-21 Mana) kneel
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
10985h, 5159m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-say My Lord.
You say, "My Lord."
10985h, 5159m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-
An unnerving, pervasive voice says, "Morkarion."
10985h, 5181m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(+22 Mana)
A cruel, jeering voice says, "You are unwavering in the steps you seek to take, then?"
10985h, 5140m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(-41 Mana) say I will destroy our enemies from within and leave them without allies.
You say, "I will destroy our enemies from within and leave them without allies."
10985h, 5182m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(+42 Mana) say You have my word.
You say, "You have my word."
10985h, 5180m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(-2 Mana)
A confused voice, stuttering softly, says, "We will, naturally, denounce you publically as a traitor to Our will, and one of limited use at that."
10985h, 5142m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(-38 Mana) say I will bear the burden willingly, if only to convince our enemies of my plans.
You say, "I will bear the burden willingly, if only to convince our enemies of my plans."
10985h, 5138m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(-4 Mana) say Be as harsh as you see fit My Lord.
You say, "Be as harsh as you see fit My Lord."
10985h, 5162m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(+24 Mana)
You have been discharged from The Barracks for the following reason: '[no reason given].'
10985h, 5181m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(+19 Mana)
With a menacing growl, a guttural voice says, "This will not be an easy task, and care must be taken with regard to those who you seek to influence."
10985h, 5200m, 7410e, 10p elrxp<&rt;-(+19 Mana) nod
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
10985h, 5178m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(-22 Mana) nod
10985h, 5156m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(-22 Mana) nod
10985h, 5156m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-say I am aware there are those who will be stubborn, who hold grudges long since their use.
You say, "I am aware there are those who will be stubborn, who hold grudges long since their use."
10985h, 5180m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(+24 Mana) say But there are those who grow tired of Eventru and his followers and their inane spoutings.
You say, "But there are those who grow tired of Eventru and his followers and their inane spoutings."
10985h, 5160m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(-20 Mana) say It is there I will seek to sow seeds of disdain.
You say, "It is there I will seek to sow seeds of disdain."
10985h, 5182m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(+22 Mana)
Full of sorrow, a mournful voice longingly says, "Enact such subtlely, Our servant."
10985h, 5181m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(-1 Mana)
A sensual voice on the cusp of ecstasy says, "We shall keep a close eye upon you, though none but We may be apprised of your true purpose, if it is to
10985h, 5200m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(+19 Mana) say Thank you my Lord. Your encouragement seeks only to strengthen my resolve in seeing this task done.
You say, "Thank you my Lord. Your encouragement seeks only to strengthen my resolve in seeing this task done."
10985h, 5181m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(-19 Mana) say Only yourself and the Mystagogue know of my true intentions.
You say, "Only yourself and the Mystagogue know of my true intentions."
10985h, 5160m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(-21 Mana) say Even my own family is unaware.
You say, "Even my own family is unaware."
10985h, 5200m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(+40 Mana)
A woman's musical voice like wind chimes says, "Very good."
10985h, 5200m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-
Morgfyre's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
10985h, 5200m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-say Her teachings have given me the courage to take such a challenge.
You say, "Her teachings have given me the courage to take such a challenge."
10985h, 5178m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(-22 Mana)
Utterly compassionless, an emotionless voice says, "Our blessing upon your efforts, Morkarion. Allow Us to speed you upon your way."
10985h, 5200m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(+22 Mana) say Thank you My Lord.
You say, "Thank you My Lord."
10985h, 5144m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(-56 Mana) look
Afloat amid a hellish subterrane.
A circular dais of craggy, fire-blackened stone hovers in midair, encompassing the area upon which you stand. Faint, oil-slick colours swim and seethe
across its surface, granting an unsettling, twisting polychromatic cast to the ancient rock. Without, it becomes apparent that the dais hovers through
a subterranean tunnel of immense magnitude; the passage is roughly circular, as though bored by some great creature, and faint glimmerings of ruddy
light shift across the walls, cast from perilous lava flows far below. The surrounding walls race by at great speed, causing a sweltering, torrid
backdraft to constantly buffet the dais, though even with this, it is difficult to gauge whether the movement is attributed to the platform or the
monstrous cavern itself. The Gorefyre Hydra dominates the surroundings, innumerable heads gnashing above gargantuan rust-red coils. Morgfyre, the
Legion floats in the air, chaotic tendrils of nether energy lashing about His form. He wields a serpentine staff of primal energies in His left hand.
There are no obvious exits.
10985h, 5200m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(+56 Mana)
The green, slitted eyes of the Gorefyre Hydra flare brilliantly, boring into you. You barely have time for a single terrified whimper before a vortex
of black smoke whips up about you, completely obscuring your surroundings. When it dissipates moments later, you are elsewhere.
Great Southern Highway approaching Magnagora. (road).
A few light wisps of cloud are spread high in the sky. A cow wanders about aimlessly, minding its own business and paying you no attention.
You see exits leading northeast and southwest.
10985h, 5180m, 7410e, 10p elrx<&rt;-(-20 Mana)
The skies flare a bruised amaranthine hue as a sense of utter disgust momentarily descends upon the First World.
Your vision fades into oblivion as tendrils of oily darkness slam into your body from above, permeating through every pore and seeping into every
single part of your body. Alien images begin to violate your mind, bespeaking vile blasphemies and unspeakable horrors which chill even the darkest
corners of your feeble mortal shell. In a matter of seconds, which feel more like a lifetime, infinite voices begin to whisper in your head,
increasing exponentially in volume and intensity and causing a physical pain to wrack effortlessly through your body. As these visions become too much
to bear your flesh begins to dissolve torturously from within before your body explodes into tendrils of multi-coloured light, having suffered the
wrath of Legion.
You have been slain by Morgfyre.