{ Yearlies | Favourite Indie Game of 2013 } January 30, 2014 at 04:52    —    0 toxins

How long has it been since my last post? Well past a week, I suppose. I do apologise for the seemingly disappearing, but I promise that I did so for good reason. As you can see, the blog now has a new design and I find myself thoroughly enjoying the new look. It’s simple and compact and yet, it has an absolutely and dreadfully sense of allure to it that just leaves slightly in awe that I managed to create something like this. However, that is not the reasoning for this post and I’ll save the following tirade for one the upcoming posts.

Today is a bit of a unique one. I’m obviously well aware of the fact that I am terribly behind on my yearly posts, but life likes to throw me for a loop at the worst possible times. It’s absolutely ungodly and I wish I could say that this late posting will not be a problem in the future (and this is for multiple reasons aside from just life being life), but I won’t lie. So I do apologise here and now if I somehow manage to be that much of a prat that this draws out to February or March (gods above forbid that I somehow manage to stretch this until May or June).

That being said, this post is a bit of unique one because it somewhat diverts away from the topics that are considered the “norm” from my previous yearly posts as it falls under the category of gaming. That being said, this post is just as much of a Gameventures as it is a Yearlies post, so feel free to take it as you wish. I’m just categorising it primarily as a Yearlies because that’s what it is. It just so happens to be written in the form of a Gameventures review post.

So let’s jump right into this, yeah?

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{ Freebies | #02: DRIFTER } January 20, 2014 at 03:04    —    3 toxins

So, I promised I’d come back to this post and post it properly. Well guess what? I’m back with an edited and proper post. My apologies to anyone who saw the previous post in all its incompleteness and just went, “That’s not the Yasulullatoned way.” ...who the fuck am I kidding? No one thought that. Whatever. This was done for myself anyway...and for those who really wanted to see another layout process post.

Unfortunately, this particular layout process/freebie post is not exactly as complete as the previous one as I completely skipped out on doing the design and mockup aspect of the layout and I didn’t post any of the process to Instagram, save for when I was editing the video and when I had the rough draft of the layout.

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{ Freebies | #01: Changing of the Seasons (Base Code/Template) } January 15, 2014 at 18:54    —    1 toxins

If you follow me on Instagram, follow me on Twitter or have me added on Facebook then you’ve ever seen this or saw a picture about this project. I mention this in the description of the videos (they’re shown below), but this layout came about as I was drawing out a design for a future layout that I wanted to use. Somehow, while listening to Two Door Cinema Club’s “Changing of the Seasons”, it suddenly struck me that I wanted to get back into skinning layouts for Blogger Classic and Tumblr (mostly the former) and not only that, but I wanted to provide base codes and base templates for people to be able to toggle around and have fun with in the case that they wanted to have free reign over a layout they use rather than just using a premade.

And thus began my exploration.

Unlike my normal approach to just go with the flow and make it happen, I decided that it would be best to draw it out, mock it up, and then code it. I did this because while I love having random bursts of ideas and acting on them when it came to my own blog, I know how quickly it can become confusing for others looking in. Along the way, I recorded the last two steps, the mock up and the coding, and I documented the design through pictures.

It was a painstaking process although it only took me about six hours total over a span of two days to complete. The painstaking process came when I went through and began editing the video. It was fun, but tiring.

Click past the jump to view a couple images from the process, the videos recorded during the process, view a preview of the layout, and grab the codes!

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{ Gameventures | Cook, Serve, Delicious! ♦ — Part I } January 12, 2014 at 22:16    —    0 toxins
So I’ve decided to take a break from the yearlies to bring back a series that I started early last year and didn’t really pick back up on it as I wished to back then. What am I talking about? Well, I’m talking about Gameventures series. Since it was done so far back (the last post made for the series was back in February of last year), allow me to reintroduce it.

Welcome to Gameventures. Gameventures is a series here on the blog that focuses on my various adventures in gaming (hence the name). This series centres primarily on me reviewing and testing out various different games that I come across whether it be by my own volition, due to Steam, via recommendations by friends and others, or by being sent a game (I wish). In some, hopefully most, cases there will be a gameplay video or several gameplay videos that co-inside with the games I introduce to the blog. You can choose to subscribe to my YouTube channel now or you can just wait until I post the videos here on the blog. Unlike most other series here, Gameventures is not updated by week, but is instead updated either extremely constant or extremely sporadically depending on how busy my life outside of this gets.

Now that we’ve gotten the gist of what this series entails out of the way, today we mark and reboot the series Gameventures with the game Cook, Serve, and Delicious!. First impressions, first basis review, and a video await you past the jump.

Note: This post contains my personal opinions and no one else’s. I was in no way, shape, or form coerced nor offered any form of payment (be it monetary or whatever). This post contains footage and imagery that is credited to the creators of this game as well as footage recorded by myself for the sake of fun and sharing experience. There is no attempt to stealing nor avoiding copyrighting and all appropriate credits and copyright information can be found at the video’s main page and in text underneath the video as posted here.

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{ Yearlies | 2013 Albums You Probably Slept On That You Shouldn’t Have: Korean Edition } January 10, 2014 at 16:30    —    0 toxins

Yoooo! I initially wanted this post to be done and up a day or two after the first post of the yearlies but I started on a new layout and I wanted to really get that done before I either lost the motivation to do it (and would stew in unhappiness with the old layout) or I would just lose focus of what and where I was going with the layout (which I ended up doing anyway, so consider it another temporary layout). So there’s that. There’s nothing I can do about that aside from apologise for not pushing myself a bit harder, but I did want to focus on one thing at a time so that I wouldn’t mess up anything.

That being said, welcome to the second post in EXTREMIS’s 2013 Yearlies. If you didn’t read the first post and are somewhat confused, never fear. I am here to explain (not that I should, but hey.) Basically, the yearlies, obviously by the name, are a series of posts that run typically from the first week to the second week of January. In some instances, it runs a week or so longer. It’s basically a round up of all the things that I found absolutely lovely released in the previous year. They tend to be things that I feel should have a bit more attention and love than they do. In some instances, they have quite a lot of love and are extremely well known and in others, they’re not. The lists range from music to cosmetics to games to books to movies. This year, I’ll be focusing primarily on movies, games, and music as much of my year was focused around those main things. You can read the first yearlies post here.

In follow up of the previous post in this series, I’m going to this time showcase some of my favourite Korean releases of the year 2013. As there are more listed here than previously, I’m actually not going to spend too much time talking about each since doing that for four was a bit draggy, so doing it for eight would probably be dreadful. Ad I would like to point out that not all of these albums are under the Pop genre; most are, but not all.

Note: This post contains my personal opinions and no one else’s. I was in no way, shape, or form coerced nor offered any form of payment (be it monetary or whatever). This post is also not intended to change anyone's opinion nor poke fun at anyone’s opinion but rather to spark interest and possibly conversation.

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