
The big picture

1 Stay on message, we are talking about White genocide, by forced assimilation and mass immigration. Don't argue with them. Don't go off message.

2 Use our terminology: "anti-White", "pro-White", "White genocide", "naziwhowantstokill6millionjews" (a way of mocking enemy words).

3 Don't use this terminology: "racist", "anti-racist" (unless you say it's anti-White), "diversity" (unless you say it's less White), "race mixing" (it leads to genocide of only one race- ours), "race traitor" (anti-White has more power), "antis" (they are ANTI-WHITE, don't let them fill in the blank space themselves).

4 Always call it genocide, never call it anything else or it avoids what it actually is.

5 You are the interrogator, don't answer their questions. You are there to show the general public what the anti-White really is.

6 You have the moral high ground. You oppose your own genocide, so you are the good guy here. EVERYTHING they say is a justification of or leads to open demands of our genocide.

7 The Mantra and Mini-Mantras are for the PUBLIC. Anti-Mantra pro-Whites are on our side; arguing with them wastes time and hurts our relationship with other groups of pro-Whites.

8 Genocide requires ASSIMILATION. Without assimilation there can be no white genocide. We don't oppose immigration, we oppose massive immigration and assimilation.

The little picture

1 Make it quotable if you want it quoted by people. Short and simple does it.

2 "As an anti-White" labels them in a more sneaky way.

3 Appeal to emotions: "Why do you hate little White children?", "Why is the genocide of innocent White babies acceptable to you?".

4 Flip the script. What if ALL Asian countries were told to bring in immigrants and assimilate with them? What if "anti-racists" in Africa demanded that Africans stopped patrolling their borders and kicking out illegal immigrants?

5 Know your target audience. Who is going to read your messages? How can you make them understand you better?

Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for everyone?

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-Whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-Blacks were brought into EVERY Black country and ONLY into Black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane Black man to notice this and what kind of psycho Black man wouldn't object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the White race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

People say there is a RACE problem. People say this RACE problem will be solved when non-Whites pour into ALL and ONLY White countries.

People say the only solution to the RACE problem is if ALL and ONLY White countries "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with millions of non-Whites.

If I tell the obvious truth about the ongoing program of GENOCIDE against White people, Anti-Whites agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

"Anti-racists" say there's a RACE problem. They say it'll be solved when non-Whites pour into ALL & ONLY White nations and "assimilate" to get a brown mixture.

Genocide is the targeted destruction of a group- so this is GENOCIDE.

If I object to my own GENOCIDE these "anti-racists" say I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they're anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-racists say there's a RACE problem that will be solved when non-Whites flood into ALL & ONLY White countries and "assimilates."

What if it was said there is a RACE problem that will be solved if hundreds of millions of non-Blacks were assimilated into EVERY Black country? Would people realize it's not a RACE problem, but actually a BLACK problem?

Would people realise it was GENOCIDE?

They say they're anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

We hear about this RACE problem, and that the solution to this problem is a brown mixture of races...but look:

Africa is still full of Black people. Asia is still full of Asians.

The only places becoming mixed are White countries.

GENOCIDE is the targeted destruction of a group- so it's White GENOCIDE. They say they're anti-racist...but what they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, but White countries for EVERYBODY!??


Asian countries for Asians.

Black countries for Blacks.

but White countries for everybody?


Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-White

1960-70's ONLY White countries opened to massive non-White immigration.

1970's-2050's ONLY White countries forced to assimilate with non-Whites.

2050's ONLY White countries made minority White.

Japan is 98.5% Japanese, does not let foreigners vote, kicks them out all the time, is RICH, and has a terrible colonial history. Yet "anti-racists" aren't demanding Japanese in Japan, be assimilated with millions of non-Japanese to end "racism".

So how come they only demand this GENOCIDE of White countries.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

If ALL and ONLY Black countries in 1965 let hundreds of millions of non-Blacks into their countries and encouraged the non-Blacks to assimilate. Then 90 years later, Blacks are expected to be minorities in those countries; that's not done by accident. It's obviously a plan to wipe out the Black race. AKA genocide.

This has been done to my people, White people. It's GENOCIDE!

How to identify if a commenter is anti-White and is inciting White genocide:

1) They deny there is such a thing as White people or White countries.

2) They scream about how evil White people are or blame them for something or other.

3) They justify White genocide using a thousand different reasons.

4) They demand White genocide/celebrate it.

5) They say pro White dissidents should not be allowed to speak, because we are "evil".

ONLY White countries + millions of non-Whites + forced assimilation = White genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

"We are all human!" does not justify White GENOCIDE

"We all bleed red!" does not justify White GENOCIDE

"Because of history " does not justify White GENOCIDE

"For the economy" does not justify White GENOCIDE

"A shortage of doctors" does not justify White GENOCIDE

"Race is a social construct!" does not justify White GENOCIDE

"We are all from Africa!" does not justify White GENOCIDE

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

You anti-Whites make excuse after excuse to turn every White country into a non-White country- Genocide.

You anti-Whites rationalize and justify White children living as minorities in their own homes- Genocide.

You anti-Whites justify a future without White children- Genocide.

When you are exposed for the genocide you support, you call us names, send us death threats, and get us fired from our jobs.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

White people are noticing that major "anti-racists" groups never justify the genocide of non-White groups using mass immigration and forced assimilation. They only ever Justify the genocide of White people.

So what do White people get out of anti-White policies, other than White Genocide?

Anti-Whites say there should be no White Countries

Anti-Whites say there should be no White Towns

Anti-Whites say there should be no White Neighbourhoods

Anti-Whites say there should be no White Schools

Anti-Whites say there should be no White Classes

Anti-Whites say there should be no White Sports

Anti-Whites say there should be no White Anything

Anti-Whites say there should be no White people

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti White.

ONLY White countries are forced to accept unlimited migration.

ONLY White countries are told to assimilate with immigrants.

ONLY White countries are predicted to become mixed race.

Does any one see a pattern here?

Anti-Whites call themselves "anti-racist", but their words & actions lead to the genocide of only one group: White people.

The true goal of anti-racism is to genocide my people.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-Whites are flooding ONLY White countries with non-Whites, which will change them into minority White countries- Genocide.

Anti-Whites don't demand that Black countries be flooded with non-Blacks.

Anti-Whites don't demand that Asian countries be flooded with non-Asians.

Anti-Whites say they are anti-racist, but what they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White.

How to spot an anti-White:

1) They deny that race exists; "race is just a social construct".

2) They blame everything on the White race, a race they say "doen't exist".

3) They wish for GENOCIDE via mass immigration, assimilation and forced integration.

4) They try to justify GENOCIDE - usually with point number one or two.

5) They say any White people that object to this shouldn't be allowed to speak because they're "racistsmellynazihaters!!!"

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti White.

Flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with non-Whites and telling everyone to "assimilate" to create a "brown future" is White genocide.

Africa will still be full of Africans.

Asia will still be full of Asians.

Only White children will suffer from this.

Read the UN genocide conventions: It is GENOCIDE!

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

If you can look into a young White girl's eyes and tell her you hate her for being White, and then tell her you want to see her people wiped out, you truly are anti-White.

Anti-Whites want to flood ALL & ONLY White countries with hundreds of millions of non-Whites and try to "assimilate" them in order to create a brown mixture. This is genocide of that young White girl's people.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-Whites say they're "anti-racist". But look at what they push and their aim becomes clear - White genocide.

That is why all & only White nations have never ending non-White immigration.

Japan has a low birthrate; "anti-racists" don't tell it to assimilate with tons of non-Japanese immigrants.

Why? It's non-White.

Iceland has a low birthrate; "anti-racists" tell it to assimilate with tons of non-White immigrants.

Why? It's White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

The most common technique used by anti-Whites to demoralize White people is to promote a mixed-race future, BUT ONLY IN WHITE COUNTRIES.

Japan will still be Japanese.

Nigeria will still be Black.

It is ONLY White people that are targeted with this tactic and this agenda - It's genocide - White Genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

1. Imagine how much brainwashing it would take to convince all White people living in White countries, that they should get rid of Whites by mixing race.

2. Now imagine they were so brainwashed they really believed it would be "RACIST!" not to.

If you can do that: welcome to the mind of a White anti-White!

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

What if we set aside the assumption "anti-racists" are brainwashed and apply Occam's Razor to what they are actually doing?

"Anti-racists" demand all White countries and only White countries be flooded with millions of non-Whites, until White people become a vanishing minority. If any White person objects to this genocide, "anti-racists" call them a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

They want White geNOcide.

All & only White countries are bringing in millions of non-Whites.

All & only White people are demanded to "mix" with them to prove they aren't "naziswhowanttokill6millionjews."

All & only White children are expected to become minorities and eventually extinct EVERYWHERE.

So called "anti-racists" are the ones demanding these anti-White policies. It's genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

We are told in the future there may be no White people.

We are told in the future there may be no White sharks.

What's the difference between these two beliefs?

"Anti-racists" will pay money to make sure White sharks are biting people years to come, but will pay money to stop anyone trying to save White people.

You see, White genocide is their intent.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

"Anti-racists" in Africa aren't telling Africans they have no right to patrol their borders and kick out illegal immigrants.

"Anti-racists" in Asia aren't telling Asians that mixed race is better, and they should all mix together in Asia.

"Anti-racists" ONLY do this in White countries. They justify the genocide of my people, White people.

That's why anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Whenever an "anti-racist" opens their mouths, the next thing they say usually leads to a future without White children- genocide.

That's why anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

"Anti-racists" talk to us about two things:

1. How White people are genetically evil, how we are responsible for our ancestors misdeeds, and how we don't actually exist. All of this going in the direction of a future without White children- GENOCIDE.

2. How they're not anti-White.

Who do you think you are kidding?

That's why we all know anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

The CONDITIONS that lead to it ARE being FORCED. YOU anti-Whites are responsible.

Calling someone "chicken" and threatening to beat them up if they don't run past a speeding car is FORCE.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

FACT: Opposing forced assimilation gets you fired, sued, beaten up, and called "RACISTNAZI!.

Fiction: Anti-Whites say "there is no force"

FACT: Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-Whites SAY assimilation isn't forced. Then you demand loss of employment, physical violence, and legal action against anyone opposing assimilation. So explain yourselves, anti-Whites.

You say you are anti-racist. What you are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White. Why do you want White geNOcide?

If assimilation isn't forced, why is there affirmative action & racial employment quotas?

If assimilation isn't forced, why aren't White People allowed to vote to stop mass non-White immigration into ONLY White countries?

If assimilation isn't forced, why are non-Whites forced into ALL & ONLY White communities?

If assimilation isn't forced, then you describe the assimilation we are forced to accept?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

The CONDITIONS of assimilation are being forced.

Every White community is forced by law to elicit non-Whites and forced by law to work in the same places, etc.

Human nature states members of groups will have sex with members of other groups in the same area- assimilation.

It is genocide because every single White community and country has these conditions forced on them, with the anti-White intent that it will get rid of White people- GENOCIDE.

You force us to live together, and you force us to work together. How can you say assimilation isn't forced?

If you push someone off a cliff, you don't have to force them to hit the ground- the law of gravity will do that for you.

If you flood ONLY White countries with millions of non-Whites and force my people to live with them, my people will mix. The laws of human nature will take care of that for you.

But it's still GENOCIDE because you have targeted my people for harm and destruction.

White people making nice places to live does NOT justify the genocide of my people - White genocide.

"A better life" (which you support) was the whole point of European colonialism (which you oppose). You don't care about non-Whites, you just want to genocide White people.


Let's turn it around - when can the poor White people in Europe move to Japan and totally wipe out Japanese people?

It's genocide because ONLY White countries have been targeted for open border and forced assimilation policies.

All people in the history of world have taken other people's land. The difference is, white people were just more successful at it.


Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Every group of people in world has murdered, raped, and stole. They tell us "the world" has to make up for the past by becoming mixing race (but only in White countries). So what they mean is WHITE people must go.

Does this sound like we have been targeted for destruction?

Targeting a group for harm or destruction perfectly fits the UN Genocide conventions as the crime of GENOCIDE.



Japan colonised: parts of China, Korea, and nearly ended the Ainu.

Going to justify genocide of Japanese, by turning Japan into a brown mixture of this and that?

"Anti-racists" only demand White countries turn themselves non-White because of their colonial history.


Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

YOU ARE JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE. The Ottoman empire colonised Greece.

Are Turks next on your genocide list?

Nope, because you only want to get rid of White people- GENOCIDE.

They say they're anti-racist, what you are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

YOU ARE JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE. Japan has colonised large parts of Asia including over 3000 islands.

But you never say Japan must atone for it's colonial past by 'assimilating' with non-Japanese.

You see, ONLY anti-Whites use this against White countries as a justification for genocide of White people.

YOU ARE JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE. The Zulus in Africa conquered the Hottentots.

You never say Africans need to assimilate with millions of non-Blacks.

The Ottoman empire & Moorish empire stole large parts of Europe and made the Christians slaves.

You never say Muslim areas need to assimilate with millions of non-Muslims.

You "anti-racists" say this about ALL & ONLY White countries. YOU are actually anti-White and demanding White genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.


Colonialism is no excuse for genocide. Every country in history has colonised another country, so why do you ONLY justify the genocide of White people???

"Anti-racists" demand immigration and assimilation in ALL & ONLY White countries.

These "anti-racists" are in fact demanding White genocide.

But of course we all know that, and we all know anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.


Why is it, when a White person does evil things; I, and every other White person has to take personal responsibility for it?

I'll tell you why: it's because colonialism is just used as an excuse to commit genocide against White people. All people have commited evil, but anti-Whites say that only White people need to be got rid of because of this. Why are you justifying White genocide, anti-White?


All nations today invaded someone else to get the land they're living on. But "anti-racists" aren't using that as an excuse to justify their genocide, unless they are White.

Unlimited immigration & forced assimilation for ALL & ONLY White countries is genocide!

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Are you really demanding an ENTIRE RACE OF PEOPLE, past, present, and future have to go? That's sick - and it's GENOCIDE.

Normal people believe every race, culture, ethnicity, religion, and nationality has a right to exist.

Only a genocidal anti-White wants to "mix" my people, White people into a "this and that" brown mixture.


If you think you stole something you should give it back. Go on, give your home to a so-called "native" of this land and migrate back to Europe.

Oh anti-Whites say Europe isn't for White people either!!!

So if White people aren't allowed Europe and their colonies, where do they go?

Wait! You anti-Whites don't want White people to exist -- you demand the genocide of White people everywhere!

You call yourselves "anti-racist", but we all know it's a codeword for anti-White.

Flooding Australia/Canada/USA with Mexicans, Indians, Africans, Asians, etc, and force-assimilating them, won't help natives -- it just makes their fate worse.

But you don't care about the natives - you don't want those countries to be native, you just want them to be non-White- THAT'S GENOCIDE!

You say you are anti-racist, what you are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

You seem to be still living in the 1800s. Population movements are natural. But specific POLICIES supported by you anti-Whites to flood all White countries with other races and assimilate them are not natural - it's genocide.

No one is flooding any non-White countries with millions of foreigners, force-assimilating them, then screaming "Racist" to anyone who opposes that genocide.

This ONLY happens in White countries.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Admit it anti-White: "Demographics Shift" is code for "Good, our genocide of White people is coming along nicely."

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

One could say Tibetan's genocide by the Chinese is a "Demographics Shift".

Anti-Whites will call it out for the genocide it is.

One could say White people's genocide by anti-Whites is a "Demographics Shift".

Anti-Whites will deny it is genocide and call anyone who opposes them names.

"Demographics shift" is code for purposely changing White countries into non-White countries, aka genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

No "anti-racists" say a 100% Black area needs more diversity.

No "anti-racists" say a 100% Asian area needs more diversity.

No "anti-racists" say a 100% Muslim area needs more diversity.

According to "anti-racists", they are already 100% diverse.

They say ALL & ONLY White area need to be more diverse, and that White areas only stop needing to be more diverse when there are no White people left in them.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Do we hear governments, the mass media, and academia calling for Japan to bring in millions of non-Japanese people and assimilate with them because they're "not diverse enough"?

Exactly -- we ONLY hear this about White countries. You anti-Whites are calling for the genocide of White people.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

When Whites threaten non-White countries with immigration "anti-racists" call it colonialism.

When non-Whites threaten White countries immigration "anti-racists" call it progress/diversity/multiculturalism/etc.

"Anti-racists" demand immigration and assimilation in ALL & ONLY White countries.

These "anti-racists" are in fact demanding White genocide.

But of course we all know that, and we all know anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Obama force-integrated Marin county because it was "too White", and all the "anti-racists" cheered.

If Obama force integrated Detroit because it "too Black" or Texas because it was "too Mexican", do you think the "anti-racists" would cheer??

No, they ONLY cheer when White people are subject to a program genocide.

But of course we all know that, and we all know anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Throughtout history almost everyone had freedom of movement. What you mean is White people no longer have the freedom to say "no"...because non-White countries are not called "RACISTNAZI!" if they decide they want to stay the same.

A perfect example of White genocide: "freedom of movement, but ONLY into ALL White countries".

What you mean is everyone has freedom of movement but ALL & ONLY White countries lose the freedom to say "no".

Genocide comes in many forms and your nicely worded genocide is still genocide of White people.

Why would you need to justify GENOCIDE?? Anti-Whites use "freedom" as an excuse to justify or participate in my people's GENOCIDE!

Anti-White freedom says non-Whites can maintain majority non-White countries, or move to a White country if they want.

But, anti-White freedom also says it's illegal for White people to maintain a majority White country, town, or school.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-White freedom means that non-Whites can go into any White country without White people having any say about it, and that when White people all flee a majority non-White area (White flight), the next majority White area must have conditions forced upon it to ensure it becomes majority non-White.

Give up the false pretense, you are just using freedom as an excuse to commit GENOCIDE against my people, White people.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

The amount of White people isn't the point here.

The point is that anti-Whites like you are pushing forced assimilation with the intent to destroy White people- GENOCIDE.

You tell us it's our fault, the same way a rapist would tell a rape victim it's their fault. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

You're response to White GENOCIDE is "have more babies"?

If you go to Nigeria and force them to accept tens of millions of Chinese and force-assimilate them, while simultaneously telling Nigerians that are upset by this "it's your fault, have more babies", you are still committing GENOCIDE.

That's what you anti-Whites are doing to my people, White people.

It's genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

We COULD breed like rabbits.

Tibetans COULD breed like rabbit also.

That does not change the fact that they (like us) are subject to a program of GENOCIDE.

Genociding people and then saying "Oh, well it's their fault - they should have bred more." Does not remove you anti-White's responsibility from the genocide you're a perpetrating against my people.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Meanwhile on planet earth, you "anti-racists" don't flood Africa with non-Blacks, promote mixing Black people out of existence to some this and that brown mixture, and call anyone who opposes this a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

You ONLY are doing this to White countries. It's genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

You may believe you don't, but all your policies lead to it.

The world's most evil people all had good intentions, but terrible delusions.

We have informed you what genocide is, now stop supporting the policies or yes you are anti-White and supporting White GENOCIDE.

If you gave the White public the vote on immigration tommorow, they'd all vote "NO MORE PLEASE".

If you the White public the vote on assimilation tommorow, they'd all vote "NO THANKS, WE LIKE OUR OWN CULTURE".

You anti-Whites don't give them the right to vote on these matters, for obvious reasons, it's because you can't genocide White people if you don't have immigration and assimilation for ALL & ONLY White countries.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Every country in this world was built by immigrants. But everyone knows that you ONLY justify unlimited immigration and assimilation of those immigrants for ONLY White countries.

You anti-Whites don't justify this being done to Japan, Sudan, Korea, Brazil, Yemen, or any other non-White countries.

You anti-Whites ONLY ever argue for this to be done to EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. You are demanding the GENOCIDE of my people, White people.

People don't grow out of the dirt of the land they live in. The Chinese could argue that Tibet is a "nation of immigrants", and then flood Tibet with millions of Chinese and force-integrate them into Tibet.

It's still genocide.

So why is it when anti-Whites demand unlimited immigration and assimilation of those immigrants for ALL & ONLY White countries, you claim that it is not genocide?

Are you anti-White?

Could any sane person not realize that flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with non-Whites and telling everyone to "assimilate" to create a blended humanity is White genocide?

Africa will still be full of Africans and Asia will still be full of Asians.

Only White children will suffer from this.

It is genocide plain and simple!

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

If I talk about the intentional mixing-out (genocide) of my race, White people, I am called anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. Every other race has a more or less homogenous homeland to go to. But "anti-racists" say for White people this is "raciss". It is White genocide!

Not only are we called the r-word for discussing this, it is ILLEGAL to have completely White communities or institutions. This blatant double-standard is proof that anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Every White country on the planet is forced to become multicultural and multiracial.

Every White country is ordered to "assimilate" its own race and culture to oblivion.

No "anti-racists" demand that of ANY non-White country.

It's genocide.

These anti-whites claim to be "anti-racist", but their actions result in the genocide of only one race, my race, White people. The true goal of immigration and assimilation is to wipe out my race.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Mass non-White immigration and forced assimilation into ALL & ONLY White nations is no accident.

"Anti-racists" demand that ALL and & ONLY White countries bring in & assimilate with millions of non-Whites immigrants, until it's just a brown mixture of this & that - this is genocide.

This is the common ground on which anti-Whites say we must all agree:

What is non-White belongs to non-Whites. What is White also belongs to non-Whites.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Immigrants are like crates of guns; forced assimilation is you pulling the triggers. You anti-Whites argue for more 'guns' because you want a faster genocide.

It's White genocide because BOTH of these policies lead to an intentional world without my people.

Haven't you been reading? Immigration PLUS forced assimilation will lead to an intentional world without White people and ONLY without White people--White genocide.

Yes it is. Its 2013, ALL & ONLY White countries are bombarded with millions of non-White immigrants and told to "assimilate" by "anti-racists" (anti-Whites) -- which is genocide of White people, my people.

But you anti-Whites seem to still be living in the 1800's. That's why you're pushing genocide of my people; you get some kind of "good doggy!" feeling out of it from the people that socially engineered you.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

2013, yes and since 1947 you are not allowed to TARGET a GROUP for destruction - violent or non-violent; that's genocide.

So as an anti-White; a supporter of White genocide; in breach of the UN Genocide conventions...what do you have to say for yourself???

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

"But it's love!" is exactly the same thing China screamed when it flooded Tibet with Chinese and encouraged assimilation.

It is STILL genocide. It does not matter what individual choices people make, the conditions have been forced, and that is a clear example of genocide against a group.

"It's love!" does NOT allow you to brag and call for a mixed race in ONLY White countries. That is genocide.

We're not talking about 2 people, we are talking about an entire group of people.

White people worldwide are having millions of non-Whites moved into ONLY White areas and then TOLD to "love" (told to assimilate with each other). That is GENOCIDE.

Why are you justifying genocide?

Japan has a low birth-rate; "anti-racists" don't tell it to assimilate with millions of non-Japanese immigrants.

Why? It's non-White.

Iceland has a low birth-rate; "anti-racists" tell it to assimilate with millions of non-White immigrants.

Why? It's White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

If someone REALLY cared about the birth-rate of that particular White country they would be campaigning to raise awareness of their low birth-rate or petitioning the government to offer help to families.

They WOULD NOT import million of non-White immigrants, give them free money, and encourage everyone to "mix together" to make a "blended humanity" in ONLY that White country.

That would be genocide.

That's what YOU anti-Whites are doing.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-White: This WHITE country has a "low birth-rate".

Person: Should we have more children?

Anti-White: NO! Open the borders! We must let in non-White immigrants, and give them special benefits paid for by the White people so they can reproduce quickly.

Person: But wouldn't that get rid of White people - AKA genocide??

Anti-White: Race doesn't exist. Race is a social construct. I don't even see any differences anyway. Are you are racist-nazi!?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-Whites aren't going to Asia and saying "Mixed race is better, so we're going to flood you with millions of non-Asians and force-mix you out of existence".

Anti-Whites aren't going to Africa and saying "Mixed race is better, so we're going to flood you with millions of non-Africans and force-mix you out of existence".

You anti-Whites ONLY demand this be done to ALL & ONLY White countries.

You are demanding the GENOCIDE of my people.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

White people make up 8% of the world's population.

ONLY in White countries are we demanded by "anti-racists" to "get together" to create a this and that brown mixture "perfect race".

No "anti-racists" are demanding non-White countries mix into one this and that brown mixture; despite non-Whites making up 92 % of the world's population.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

It's genocide.

Anti-Whites decided my country should be a "melting pot". I didn't. My people didn't - there was no public voting on this.

The point of a "melting pot" is that everything is mixed. You anti-Whites ONLY ever call White countries "melting pots".

Anti-Whites say multiculturalism is good, but they don't demand more multiculturalism of Africa or Asia. They ONLY demand it of White countries. It's genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Those who created the US were White & specifically founded the US for their "posterity" - their WHITE descendants. Saying otherwise is anti-White.

You'd never say Turks don't have a right to Turkey due to past bad acts.

You'd never say Japanese don't have a right to Japan due to past bad acts.

You only claim that Whites don't have a right to their countries.

You're pushing White genocide. That is an international crime.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Why do you think the USA has borders? The whole point of a border is to say who comes in and who doesn't.

It was meant for White people, White people wrote: 'for ourselves and OUR posterity'- preamble to the constitution.

Creating a brown mixture of this and that in ALL & ONLY White countries is an act of Genocide.

You are pushing White Genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White

The Preamble to the US Constitution says: "for ourselves and OUR Posterity".

If Asians founded a country, and then said "We claim this land for ourselves and our Posterity", they're not talking about Mexicans, or Africans, or Europeans; they're talking about Asians.

Quote us where in the US constitution it says "We are a melting pot."

Creating a brown mixture of this and that in ALL & ONLY White countries is genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White

And those White people are forcibly becoming minorities in White countries across the world.

Forced non-White immigration + forced conditions for assimilation = Genocide of White people.

Why are you justifying genocide?

Numbers and percentages do not disprove GENOCIDE.

Genocide is ANY HARM OR DESTRUCTION commited against a group, e.g. forcing White communities to become multi-racial is GENOCIDE.

You anti-Whites make it illegal for any White area to say "no" to non-White migrants. THAT. IS. GENOCIDE.

"Multiculturalism" is a program of changing White societies into non-White societies.

Multiculturalism is a code word for White genocide.

No one says that a Black country needs multiCULTuralism.

No one says that an Asian country needs multiCULTuralism.

Yet in ALL & ONLY White countries, anti-Whites posing as "anti-racists" demand those countries stop being White and become "multicultural". This is genocide - the targeted destruction of a group.

MultiCULTuralism is a codeword for White genocide and anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

In YOUR OPINION that's "racist".

You're just saying that because I'm White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

If I hated a race, I might flood all their countries with millions of different people, and tell everyone to "mix in", until no people of that kind were left. If anyone objected, I might scream "racistnazi!" at them to get them fired from their jobs.

If I hated a certain race, I might do that, but I am not doing that. Anti-whites are doing it to White people in all & only White countries. It's GENOCIDE.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!

Communists called all HERESY! fascism.

Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.

Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"

They call people who speak HERESY! names.

You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.

When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.

But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.

What is so special about land White people control as opposed to the land your people control?

Not only is that is a declaration of war against all White people.

You're also embarrassing your own people.

Every group needs a home to survive: yours, mine, Chinese, Turkish, etc.

If you say my group (White people) cannot have a home, you are anti-White. It doesn't matter if you are White and say that or non-White and say that.

You are anti-White, and demanding White genocide.

So, as an anti-White, what makes you think you can "do away" (genocide) my people?

If the various breeds of white-tailed deer that evolved in the different areas of the Appalachian mountains were mixed together in a single area; in a few generations only one "mixed breed" of white-tailed deer would exist.

Likewise, flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with non-Whites and force-assimilating them will blend Whites people out of existence, AKA White Genocide.

You say you are anti-racists, but what you are is anti-White!

Anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White!

Isn't it funny how these anti-Whites will rush to defend Tibetans against the genocide of Chinese, yet at the same time demand the genocide of White people by those same anti-Whites.

You say you are anti-racists, but what you are is anti-White!

Anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White!

You're either pro-White or anti-White.

Pro-Whites believe all people should have a home in order to exist.

Anti-Whites believe White people must be genocided from existence through mass immigration & forced assimilation into ALL & ONLY White countries.

So which is it?

You say you are anti-racists, but what you are is anti-White!

Anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White.

The Dalai Lama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, has been quoted as saying: "The unabated influx of Chinese immigrants to Tibet is reducing the Tibetans to an insignificant minority in their own country".

Is The Dalai Lama a "racist", or does he get a pass from you anti-whites because he`s a non-White?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-Whites ONLY want to genocide White people, so they tell us to "not be so serious."

But they're not telling the Manchurians, Tibetans, Hottentots, Ainu, Jews, Darfur Blacks, etc, to "not be so serious", because they don't actually want to get rid of them.

Anti-Whites don't care if innocent White children become minorities in all their countries due to the actions and words of those same anti-Whites!

Anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide 1948, defines genocide: "acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group"

"Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part."

It doesn't have to be violent.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Let's pretend that the Boers in South Africa are not on genocide watch because of their slaughter.

Even if the only method of genocide being used was massive non-White immigration into ALL White countries and ONLY into White countries and forced integration and assimilation, this would still lead to the ELIMINATION of a unique human GENOtype, a GENOcide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Sarkozy said that "not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country" why is that "OK" and not "racist" but a White person saying they believe in White racial survival is an "evil racist"?

You anti-Whites are allowed to promote interracial marriage in media, schools and entertainment. Nowhere are White people allowed to promote same race marriage.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

You have never heard anybody talk about a race problem?

You have never heard White people condemned being told to accept multiculturalism and assimilate immigrants?

You have never heard anybody insist on open borders in ALL & ONLY White countries?

You have never heard anybody say the Final Solution to racism is "mixing THE races"? When they mean only mixing races in White countries?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

IF Hitler took all the male Jews and sent them to Asia. Then sent all the female Jews to Africa. You are telling me that this would not be considered Genocide? LOLZ ...Well they can marry whoever they want? Right? They have free association ...right?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

All genocides are executed with the fig leaf of legality.

It is genocide because it results in White people intentionally being made a minority in historically White nations.

If one opposes the anti-White policy of mass immigration and force-assimilation, you could be fired, threatened, beaten up, or imprisoned! That's genocide as defined by section (c) of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-whites say White people don't exist when people who oppose White genocide confront them.

But when we're not around, anti-Whites blame all White people everywhere and everywhen for slavery, the Holocaust, discrimination, and also talk about how "evil" we are.

THEN they turn round and say WE'RE "the bad ones".

That's like punching a person in the face and crying that they hurt your fist.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

To be a forensics expert you must be able to take hair or skin from a body and be able to tell through DNA the GENOtype (race) of that individual. However, to keep your job as a forensic expert you must say "there is no race, only the human race".

When it comes down to science and facts, anti-Whites get proven how silly they really are. All they have is their thought police!

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

The only time so called "anti-racists", ever acknowledge the existence of White people, is when they are calling us names.

"White Trash", "White Supremacist", "White Racist", etc, etc..

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

So you're saying that "race doesn't exist", so my people's countries MUST be flooded with millions of non-White immigrants, which are then force-assimilated until my people become minorities.

Nobody is doing that to Blacks in Africa.

Nobody is doing that to Asians in Asia.

Nobody is doing that to Muslims in the Middle East.

You anti-Whites ONLY ever argue for this to be done to ALL & ONLY White countries. This is GENOCIDE of my people.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

The UN Genocide Conventions recognizes RACE as an 'Identifiable Group', to prevent what YOU anti-Whites are doing right now.

Your attempt to deny my people's existence is called "Dehumanization"; it's one of the 8 steps of genocide.

No one is going to Africa / Asia and telling the people there, "race does not exist".

Anti-Whites are ONLY doing this in ALL & ONLY White countries.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

As an anti-White, why are you trying to deny the existence of a group? This is a process called 'dehumanisation' and common in those complicit with the crime of GENOCIDE.

Why do you support mass immigration, FORCED multiCULTuralism and FORCED Multi-racialism in White countries and ONLY White countries?

Why do you support GENOCIDE of my people and their children?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

If you deny race exists, you're stating that genocide has never happened and can never happen.

But you anti-Whites aren't going to Africa and telling Black people they don't exist.

You anti-Whites aren't going to Asia and telling Asians they don't exist.


BUT you acknowledge we exist when you blame us for slavery, colonialism, etc, or are calling us "racist!"

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

ALL White people everywhere are constantly blamed by you anti-Whites for the slavery of Black people -- not the slavery of people from Africa.

You say White people don't exist, but then you blame us for slavery, holocaust, war, hate, famine, etc.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

You anti-Whites acknowledge race every time open your mouths and shout out how "evil" my people, White people, are and tag my people as naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews.

Don't you think it's strange how when a White person does something good it's attributed to the whole of humanity?

But when a White person does something bad EVERY White person, living, dead, unborn, must "pay" for that with their own genocide committed by you anti-Whites.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Your anti-White allies have defined White nations as the ONLY out of hundreds that have a "duty" to import vast legions of non-Whites and assimilate.

General W. Clark "There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states".

Notice he said "Europe", not "world".

And in White non-Euro nations you anti-Whites claim they're for anyone.

Only in White countries this is going on; only anti-Whites like you are pushing it.

It's genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Africa is named "the Black continent" everyday. But nobody is saying "Africa is not a Black continent! There are no Black countries!"

China is named "the Yellow giant" everyday. But nobody is saying "Asia is not an Asian country! There are no Asian countries!"

Anti-Whites like YOU say ALL & ONLY White countries should not be called as such.

You say you are anti-racist. What you are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-Whites don't have a problem with Korea being an Asian country.

Anti-Whites don't have a problem with Haiti being a Black country.

Anti-White don't have a problem with Saudi Arabia being an Arab county.

But anti-Whites DO have a problem with Britain, France, USA, Canada Germany or ANY country being a White country.

They say they are "anti-racist." What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

In Europe, USA, Canada, Australia (places founded by White people), we're told "we're all from Africa, so we have to assimilate millions of non-White immigrants".

BUT in South Africa, even though "we're all from Africa", we're told Whites people stole the land and have no right to the country they founded.

People shouting "we're all from Africa" claim to be anti-racist. They aren't anti-racist at all. They're anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

ONLY White countries are told they must bring in non-White immigrants and "assimilate" with them.

ONLY White people are told "we're all from Africa, so we must mix into a blended race".

ONLY White children will suffer from this - the result of being minorities in their own homes everywhere.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Anti-Whites like you have said for years that 1. There CANNOT be a future with White people, or 2. There SHOULD NOT be a future with White people.

We will say something different on condition that anti-Whites everywhere say something different.

Here's the following new statements you can make:

1. Yes, it's genocide of White people and that is wrong. 2. Yes, it's genocide, but I still support it.

Anti-Whites have such a strong sense of White identity, that they will routinely associate collective guilt to White children for things that happened thousands of miles away, and hundreds of years before those White children were even born.

And yet, those same anti-Whites will also look you straight in the eye and tell you that White people are just a "social construct" and we "don't exist".

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Medical science proves that race exists through facts and genetic tests.

Social science aknowledges the existence of White people when they are blaming us for everything and calling us "evil". Then when White people finally get fed up and try to defend themselves from genocide, Social science denies we exist.

Social science is the core belief of "anti-racism".

Anti-racist is codeword for anti-White.

Should ALL and ONLY Black countries be flooded with hundreds of millions of non-Blacks who are then force assimilated into the Black population because "Race is a social construct"???

You anti-Whites ONLY ever argue for this to be done to EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. You are demanding and justifying the GENOCIDE of my people.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

So as long as their culture is kept alive, you agree that you have no problem with native American reservations bringing in millions of non-native Americans and assimilating until it's just a mix of this and that?

Of course you would have a problem. It's only White people you want to genocide, that's why you promote my genocide so forcefully.

You're anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Meanwhile, no one is flooding Africa with Non Africans and telling them "Race is a social construct" so we're going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Africa.

No one is flooding Japan with non-Japanese and telling them "Race is a social construct" so we're going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Japan.

Only White countries are doing this, only Anti-Whites like you are pushing it.

Its GeNOcide.

"We all bleed red" is a justification for GENOCIDE of White people.

Would you flood Africa with millions of Whites and demand they assimilate to create a less Black Africa for this reason also? Or are you just anti-White?

You're not going to Africa, saying "we all bleed red" & forcing Africans to accept multiCULTuralism & multi-racialism.

You're not going to Asia, saying "we all bleed red" & forcing Asians to accept multiCULTuralism & multi-racialism.

You anti-Whites use "we all bleed red" as a justification for the genocide of White children.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

It doesn't matter what we bleed.

The point is that YOU anti-Whites are commiting acts of genocide against White people, as defined by the UN genocide conventions.

Why are you anti-White? What is your justification of the genocide of my people?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

"We all bleed red" is no excuse for the genocide of Tibetans by Chinese.

"We all bleed red" is no excuse for the genocide of White people by anti-Whites.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Meanwhile on planet Sanity:

"We all bleed red" is not being used to justify the genocide of Black people.

"We all bleed red" is not being used to force Japan to accept foreigners.

"We all bleed red" is not being used to force-blend Muslims out of the Middle east.

It's ONLY being used to do all of the above to my people, White people.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Panda bears also bleed red. So why don't you justify the extinction of Pandas like you justify the genocide of my people, White people?

You don't care what we bleed. You care that White people exist, and that's why you're using this argument as a justification for the genocide of White children everywhere.

Why do you hate my people's children so much?

You say you are anti-racist. What you are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

No one says Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, etc, should fight the "privilege" of their own race in government and private sectors in their own countries.

"Anti-racists" only combat this kind of "privilege" in White nations.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Anti-racists say:

Asian privilege: Asian people building a future for Asian children. Good!

Black privilege: Black people building a future for Black children. Good!

White privilege: White people building a future for White children. NAZIBADEVIL!

"Anti-racists" ONLY fight White "privilege" in ALL & ONLY White countries. This is genocide of White children.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Have you ever heard of an anti-racism campaign that targeted any non-White group as having "privilege"?

Of course not. They ONLY attack White "privilege" (a future for White children) in ALL & ONLY White countries.

All you anti-Whites ever do is make excuse after excuse to turn every White country into a brown mix of this and that.

All you anti-Whites ever do is justify innocent White children living in poverty as minorities in every country their ancestors built.

All you anti-Whites ever do is justify genocide of White children; a future without White children.

Now you see why anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

In South Africa affirmative action is used to discriminate against the White minority and award the non-White majority. In USA affirmative action is used to discrimate against the White majority and award the non-White minority.

'Anti-racists' say the goal of affirmative action is 'anti-racism'. So anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White, because they are pushing White genocide.


We can't have Whites dominating their own governments and corporations in their own countries, because that would be racist and we must have affirmative action to fight it.

Pro White:

No one says Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, etc, should fight the "privilege" of their own race in government and private sectors in their own countries.

"Anti-racists" only combat this kind of "privilege" in White nations.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

"African-American studies" celebrates blacks

"Asian-American studies" celebrates asians

"Chicano studies" celebrates hispanics

"Whiteness studies" denies that White people even EXIST, and that these White people (who they say don't exist) have "White privilege"

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Majority White areas are outlawed, and "anti-racist" organizations get paid millions to make White areas "more diverse" AKA Majority non-White ALL OVER THE WORLD.

If you said "no reservations for endangered animals" people would soon realise you want a future without them.

...and when you say that about PEOPLE that becomes GENOCIDE. Why do you support White genocide?

If a baby sets a house on fire because you gave it a match and dared it to should it be arrested for arson?

The anti-White regime encourages people that don't know better to engage in their own genocide. You trend-following anti-Whites are in the latter category.

My people are not asked yes or no if they want to become non-White. We are TOLD to become non-White. If we oppose we are beaten up, harassed, sued, or get death threats from anti-Whites like you.

White GENOCIDE by assimilation is just a product of anti-White conditions and brainwashing.

We are FORCED to assimilate because we are not allowed anywhere exclusive, but non-Whites are allowed that right.

ONLY White countries have unwillingly been forced by anti-Whites like you to bring in millions of non-Whites and assimilate. A White reservation or majority White area is not allowed to exist because all White people would move there - it's called White flight.

When the majority of White people flee an area because it becomes minority White, that's because YOU anti-Whites force and encourage these conditions of GENOCIDE.

Making the best of a bad situation is not free will.

1-Anti-Whites turn an area minority White 2-White people flee the minority White area 3-Anti-Whites try to make the next area minority White

Welcome to what is called White genocide.

This page is intentionally left blank to seperate replies to anti-Whites from resources you can use.
A Black man who would agree to bring in hundreds of millions of non-Blacks into all Black countries and ONLY Black countries AND THEN ALSO agree to "assimilate" his own people out of existence really hates is own people.

Why is this okay when it's White people? Why is the genocide of White people okay?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Who brainwashed you to so willingly accept and participate in the genocide of little White babies?

Who brainwashed you to intimidate anyone who disagrees with you (I.e. your brainwashers) via calling them "naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews"?

Surely someone brainwashed you? If you came by these beliefs yourself, you are truly one of the most evil beings we have heard of - to promote and demand genocide is pure evil!

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Do you agree that If Saddam Hussein had flooded the Kurdish villages with non-Kurds and ordered the Kurds to "assimilate" and "celebrate this diversity" and thereby demographically wiping out the Kurds as an ethnic group he WOULD have been GUILTY of committing an intentional act of genocide?

Isn`t that what you anti-Whites are doing to White people by flooding our communities with non-Whites and telling us we have to "assimilate" and "celebrate diversity"?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Come on anti-Whites where are you now?

As we have pointed out this GeNOcide is for all White countries and only White countries.

Do you Demand the same GeNOcide for any non-White peoples? If so name them now and Justify their GeNOcide as you do for White children.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

If "anti-racists" are so unconcerned with race, how come they only have a problem with White schools, White workplaces, White towns, White Cites and White countries?

I've never seen any "anti-racist" complain that any place is too Brown and it has to become LESS Brown to combat racism.

Who do they think they are kidding?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

If DIEversity and multiCULTuralism are so wonderful, why are you demanding them for EVERY and ONLY White countries?

Do you like genociding White people or do you hope to branch out into genociding all people on this earth?

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

What is so special about land White people control as opposed to the land non-Whites control?

Why must my people be force integrated in with these other people without even having a public vote on immigration or "assimilation" (intermarriage)?

It is White genocide.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Why do you want to deny people the right to their own homelands?

Why is this assimilation (I.e. turning into a brown mixture of this and that) in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries so important to you?

Why do you anti-Whites never talk about flooding Africa with millions of non-Blacks and assimilating them into the Black population to "end hate", or to "make it more diverse", or to "end racism", or to "have a perfect harmony", or some other lame excuse?

As an anti-White, do you agree White countries should be permitted to say no to mass immigration and "assimilation" without being call NAZIWHOWANTSTOKILLSIXMILLIONJEWS like all the non-White countries are permitted?

Would your God support my genocide?

Racist IS a hateword -- it's how anti-Whites say "White"

All this brotherly love and mixing "the" races begins with the genocide of White people and ends with the genocide of White people.

A murderer that uses nice words is still a murderer; a "progressive" that genocides White people is still anti-White.

ALL nations are nations of immigrants, but ONLY in White nations this is a justification of White genocide.

Immigrants are the crates of guns and forced assimilation is anti-Whites pulling the triggers.

White genocide with nice words is still White genocide.

If you justify White genocide of course we're going to think you're anti-White; it's like justifying the murder of a murder victim.

Genocide can be done with bullets, bombs, mustard gas, or with open borders and social engineering; the methods change, but the results remain the same.

The world's most evil people all had good intentions, but terrible delusions.

You are not denying genocide, you are JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE.

That is not an intellectual position it is INCITEMENT TO GENOCIDE - an international crime.

Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.

Article IV: Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.

"We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed." - Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor

"Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity." - Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor

"The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race." - Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor

"The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists." - Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor

"Abolish the White Race as a social group" - Derrick Bell, Professor

"There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states." - General Wesley Clark

"The White race is the cancer of human history." - Susan Sontag

"Not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country." - Nicholas Sarkozy, President of France

"We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him," - Jose Angel Gutierrez, Chicano activist and university professor, from a speech reproduced on page 323 of "Occupied America," by Rodolfo Acuna.

"We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet" - Kamau Kambon, former professor of African-American Studies.

"Genocide involves the attempt to achieve the disappearance of a group by whatever means. It does not have to be violent, it could be a combination of policies that would lead to a certain group dying out." - Malcolm Fraser (Prime Minister of Australia 1975-83)

"Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups." - Raphael Lemkin, coined the word "genocide".

"For ourselves, and our posterity" - Preamble to the US Constitution.

"Assimilation is genocide" - Mick Dodson, Aboriginal leader, Writer of Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.

"Racist White woman I could kick your face, puncture both eyes. You deserve this kind of violence." - extract of a poem by Haunani-Kay Trask, Professor of Hawaiian Studies.

"We still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others which the European Union should be doing it's best to undermine." - Peter Sutherland, UK Foreign Affairs minister.
"The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs." - Senator Ted Kennedy, speaking to the Senate regarding the introduction of the Immigration Act of 1965

"White South African women are lower than rats, closer related to plants, just fit enough to be raped in an act of genus preservation." - Nadine Gordimer

"You're (White people) on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won't be any more white people around." - Tim Wise, "anti-racist activist"

"Is it the duty of every good revolutionary to kill every newborn White baby?" - A member of the Weather Underground

"If you sit in your house, live your White life and go to your White job, and allow the country that you live in to murder people and to commit genocide, and you sit there and you don't do anything about it, that's violence" - Naomi Jaffe, member of the Weather Underground, "anti-racist".

When looking at information ask these simple questions:

Why was this information produced? Who produced it? Who paid to have it produced? How do they profit from this?

There have only ever been two kinds of countries in the history: 1. Countries held together with blood, and 2. Countries held together with paper. Countries held together with paper will NEVER have freedom of speech.

Example: The United States was originally a country that was united by the fact they were all White, the Constitution was written to ensure the country would be set up the way the people wanted it. Anti-Whites said that the Constitution itself WAS the country, and that the people within it didn't make a bit of difference.

Explanation: If someone speaks against the idea the country was founded on, it could destroy the unity of the country. This is true with homogenous countries, but they always re-unite again with a different idea.

The world's most evil people were doing it "for your own good".

People who TRY to be evil just don't have that motivation; they'll get bored or tired long before the "for your own good" guy does.

Example: Inquisitors burning "sinners" at the stake "to save their souls from hell".

All the "professional" anti-communists hated the fall of the communism.

Explanation: No one needed them anymore, which means no paycheck.

Self-proclaimed intellectuals LOVE communism because communism says "intellectuals" should rule the world.

Example: Communist USSR "intellectuals" ordered a factory to produce hula-hoops to sell to the people, when a lot of people were starving to death.

Explanation: Self-proclaimed intellectuals decided what the consumer should buy -- not the consumer.

Example 2: When the Soviet Union fell, most communist "intellectuals" became environmentalist "intellectuals".

Explanation 2: Environmentalism says "intellectuals" should rule the world.

The next powerful empire will call itself "the new last powerful empire".

Example: Rome was the new Greece. Europe was the new Rome. USA is the new Europe.

White people have a diesease where we, as a group harm ourselves for "the greater good".

Example: Christians whipping themselves, and wearing hair shirts to "punish" themselves for "their sins". White traitors breeding with non-Whites to "punish" themselves for "their racism". Liberals lowering their standard of living to "punish" themselves for "their polution"

The Truth with a capital "T" is a lie. Example: President Bush and the controlled Western media said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction many, many times; but the rest of the world quietly disagreed.

Someone that says "truth" a lot in their speech are probably the biggest liars ever; they do this because they are self-concious of being discovered a liar.

Example: "I love the truth, the truth is good for everyone, those liars aren't telling the truth."

Two radically different beliefs will often join sides to ban/do something.

Example: Evangelical Christians and Marxists joined forces to attempt to censor the internet. Nazis and Communists joined forces to take Poland.

Someone that has doubts about their beliefs will attack others who critise or oppose their beliefs.

Example: Inquisitors would burn "heretics" at the stake, and they called it "mercy".

In a sea of essays, the obvious is always forgotten.

Example: In the mid twentieth century, Leftist professors all agreed that Communism was better than Capitalism and would take over the world, but they all missed the obvious that the "worker's paradise" had walls, barbed wire, land mines, and guards with machine guns that shot anyone who tried to escape.

The country in the middle is the one that gets attacked by an alliance of the two other countries.

Example: France and Scotland allied against England because it was the one in the middle.

Sob Sisters get what they want by victimising themselves.

Example: Israel cries "Holocaust" at White countries to get more money.

Rome lasted as long as the Romans did.

Explanation: It imported non-Whites to the empire, became mixed, and then collapsed.

Those that dictate history, dictate the future.

Example: "The past was so racist and evil towards non-Whites. We must correct these mistakes by mixing races into one brown race."

A melting pot is nothing specific. Anyone loyal to "nothing specific" is insane.

Example: Waiter- "What would you like to drink, sir?" Customer- "Oh, nothing specific. Just mix anything you find into a bucket."

Two good things mixed together often don't make an even better thing.

Example: Coca cola and beer mixed together are less appealing than when they're seperated.

"Educated" people are the dumbest people ever.

Example: 4000 years ago Aristotle said women had one less tooth. No "educated" people bothered to check until the last few hundred years.

Example 2: 4000 years ago Aristotle also said taking out enough blood would heal any diesease. 200 years ago "educated" people bled George Washington to death, along with thousands of other people before that.

Example 3: Thousands of women and children died in Ward 9, Hungary, because "educated" doctors wouldn't listen to Semmelweis and wash their hands in carbolic acid after dissecting corpses and going on to deliver babies.

Anytime you have a preposition that is illegal to even suggest questioning, there's a good chance that there's something wrong with that proposition

Example: Why is it illegal in so many countries to question the holocaust?

Multicultural/racial societies have no common interests.

Explanation: Muslims look out for the best interests of Muslims, Asians look out for the best interests of Asians.

Anti-Whites say non-Whites are animals.

Example: Feminists in Sweden told a woman who had been raped by a Muslim immigrant (paraphrasing) "It's your fault you were raped, because you should have respected their culture by dressing more appropriately".

Explanation: An animal is just following it's instincts and can't be blamed for that. Anti-Whites compare non-Whites to animals that can't be held responsible for their actions.

Anti-Whites say White people exist when they blame them for everything evil in the world.

Example: "White people don't exist"..."White people are responsible for the holocaust, slavery, and colonialism"

Anti-Whites say the difference between a citizen and a foreigner of a country is the piece of paper they have.

Example: "Undocumented worker"

The West is a PEOPLE of opportunity.

Not a land of opportunity.

Explanation: The dirt from a White country has the same amount of opportunity in it as any non-White country's dirt - none.

Basing history on what you happen to stumble across is not an intelligent error.

Example: An archeologist goes out into the desert and digs up an old fossil, annoucing that it is the earliest fossil ever, and then builds up the theory that all species of this fossil developed in the area the "earliest fossil ever" was found. They ignore the fact that there might be other fossils elsewhere from an earlier time that they haven't yet found.

A short message is expensive. A short message is hard work. A short message is effective.

Power means you have the right ideas at the right time.

Money means you have the right resources at the right time.

All nations are nations of immigrants. All nations are built by immigration, and all nations are destroyed by immigration.

Political Correctness IS a religion -- not LIKE a religion.

Information is a product.

If the establishment bans "hate speech" and also opposes it - it's called "censorship".

Bringing in millions of wealthless non-Whites and giving them money for nothing is not solving poverty - it's just moving it around.

If statistics could change the world, statisticians would be driving fast cars.

The only difference between a cult and a guild is that the guild can actually DO something, whereas the cult is just all talk.
It's not holocaust denial; it's Six million dead Jews denial.

White flight is always preceeded by colored flight.

When a White country turns brown, it goes down.

Tiger Woods nor OJ Simpson would have anything to do with women who looked like the mulatto daughters they produce with their blond wives.

Blacks who marry blondes want blondness and destroy it.

The greatest evils in life are hardly ever against the law.

The Truth of today will not be Truth of tomorrow.

Each generation is absolutely convinced that Truth has been EVOLVING to the Ultimate Truth. Which means the Truth you have now. In every generation, people use the term "modern thought" without the slightest idea how ridiculous that makes them.

Third world countries are poor because their people don't invent anything.

There is nothing less "common" than common sense, there is nothing that is less simple than simple truth.

Truth is stranger than fiction, maybe that's why people prefer fiction.

A bad generation will raise a worse generation.

Rotten eggs make the whole cake taste bad.

If there is an afterlife, it's going to be chaos - all those enemies in the same place for an eternity!

When someone says "Think for yourself", they don't want you to have your own beliefs, they want you to have theirs.

People don't get paid for being right, they get paid for keeping their boss happy.

An animal that won't put up a fight is going to be at the bottom of the food chain.

Feminists want to treat men like women once were, yet say they are for "equality".

Equality is an opinion.

If criminals started leaving documents of their crimes lying around, prosecutors would have the easiest job in the world.

Elaborate lies please simple minds.

Splitting hairs splits your allies

WW2 was a war between the right wing vs the left wing, and the left won. That's why Communist soldiers who raped girls as young as 8 aren't chased down 70 years later and put on trial.

Anti racists exists only in white countries, because that's the point.

When debating immigration, everyone becomes experts in economics.

The establishment ignores things that embarrasses the establishment.

Africa is the product of Africans.

Asia is the product of Asians.

White countries are the product of White people.

Our issue is not demonstrating that Jews are all-powerful... it's white survival.

Our issue is not proving a conspiracy by an elite... it's white survival.

Our issue is not explaining how rotten Israel is... it's white survival.

Our issue is not liberals vs. conservatives... it's white survival.

Our issue is not electing Ron Paul... it's white survival.

Our issue is not opposing amnesty for illegal aliens... it's white survival.

Our issue is not about moving to one place or another... it's white survival.

They say the army made a man out of you...

If the army did that it had failed! It was supposed to make a DOG out of you.


Each society has its own word for HERESY!

Communists called all HERESY! fascism. Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.

Today, under the Politically Correct tyranny, HERESY! is called Hate! or "racism." They call people who speak HERESY! names.

You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.

When you scream "Naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews", "Hate!", or "racism" (HERESY!) at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we pro-Whites make.

But it tells us ALL about YOU.