How to Install Jetty Web Server in Ubuntu

Before you install Jetty, you must first install Java.

In this article, I will walk you through all the steps necessary to install and test Jetty Web Server.

First, you will need to download the latest version of Jetty:

cd /usr/local/src
sudo wget

If the link above gives you a 404, you'll need to swap it out with the most recent version from the Jetty distribution page on eclipse's website.

Unpack the tarball you just downloaded:

sudo tar xfz jetty-distribution-9.0.0.RC1.tar.gz

Move the directory you just created:

sudo mv jetty-distribution-9.0.0.RC1 /opt/jetty

Copy the Jetty shell script to your /etc/init.d directory:

sudo cp /opt/jetty/bin/ /etc/init.d/jetty

Create Jetty User

You'll need a jetty user and user group. First check to see if there already is one:

cat /etc/passwd

Scroll through the list to see if there already is a jetty user.

If there isn't a jetty user yet, you'll have to create one:

sudo useradd jetty -U -s /bin/false

This will create the jetty user, group, and set its shell script as /bin/false to prevent anyone from logging in as the jetty user.

Make sure jetty is the owner of the /opt/jetty directory:

sudo chown -R jetty:jetty /opt/jetty

Create Jetty Configuration File

This will create an empty jetty configuration file:

sudo vim /etc/default/jetty

Add the following to this file:


Test Jetty

At this stage, you can do a quick test to see if your Jetty install is complete or not. Run the following command to start your Jetty Web Server:

sudo /etc/init.d/jetty start

If all is well, you should see the standard Jetty splash page when you visit the following address in your browser:



If starting Jetty failed and/or you don't see the Jetty splash page, you will need to continue on with a few possible solutions.

Port Conflict

Something besides Jetty could be listening to port 8080. Most likely it is another web server. To find out, use the following command to view what's going on with the computer's ports:

netstat -antp

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