UPDATE: Aparently the victim "Zerkalo Nedeli" contacted deposit files to lock the download and remove the archive. So we have updated release to bayfiles now it's stable link in the end of this com Lulz ! some lulzy ukraine newspaper pwnd tonight, lotsa lulzy stuff inside so far pwnd these users at mirror.kiev.ua ///// zn.ua tratz (pending) tpanio (pending) novikova (pending) srahman (released today) groshi3 (pending) mdenis (pending) AChurum (pending) vbubuk (pending) have to split archie means each lulzy user = 1 archie so it will be 8x200MB still 7 to go. DOX AT http://imgur.com/a/bmabr#0 33 DOX PREVIEW some are military grade FOUO/RESTRICTED LOTSA RUSSIAN MILITARY SHIT and some are in nasty russian writing as soon as ya translate some let me know. also lotsa russian and ukraininan gov poops passports and strange dox so enjoy http://bayfiles.com/file/vgmz/VeTDvx/znnewsrahman001.tar.gz full archive 160MB