Compare 1.1.9 files to 1.2 files:

\CHANGELOG.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\admin.virtuemart.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\currency\convertECB.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\htmlTools.class.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\mainframe.class.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\menuBar.class.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\pageNavigation.class.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\parameters.class.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\payflow_pro.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_authorize.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_cashondel.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_echeck.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_epay.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_epn.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_eway.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_ipayment.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_linkpoint.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_merchantwarrior.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_montrada.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_nochex.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_paymate.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_paymenow.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_paypal.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_paypal_api.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_paypal_api.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_paysbuy.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_twocheckout.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\payment\ps_worldpay.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\ps_config.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\ps_html.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\ps_main.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\ps_perm.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\ps_session.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\ps_shopper.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\ps_user.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\ps_userfield.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\auspost.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\canadapost.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\dhl.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\fedex.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\fedex.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\flex.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\intershipper.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\shipvalue.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\ups.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\ups.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\classes\shipping\usps.cfg.php is not in VM 1.2
\compat.joomla1.5.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\account.billing.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\account.index.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\account.order_details.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\account.shipping.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\account.shipto.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\admin.module_list.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\admin.show_cfg.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\admin.user_address_form.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\admin.user_field_list.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\admin.user_form.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\admin.user_list.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\basket.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\checkout.index.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\checkout_register_form.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\product.file_form.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\product.file_list.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\product.product_form.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\product.product_list.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\shipping.rate_list.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\shop.ask.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\shop.browse.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\shop.cart.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\shop.downloads.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\shop.product_details.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\shop.recommend.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\shop.savedcart.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\html\ file size is different in VM 1.2
\install.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\install.virtuemart.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\js\extlayout.js.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\js\functions.js file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\js\mootools\mooPrompt1.2.js file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\themes\default\templates\browse\includes\browse_orderbyform.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\themes\default\templates\checkout\get_final_confirmation.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\themes\default\templates\checkout\login_registration.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\themes\default\templates\common\login_form.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\themes\default\templates\pages\account.order_details.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\themes\default\templates\pages\checkout.thankyou.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\themes\default\templates\pages\shop.cart.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\themes\default\theme.js file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\themes\default\theme.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\site\virtuemart_parser.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\toolbar.html.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\toolbar.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\toolbar.virtuemart.html.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\toolbar.virtuemart.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\version.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\virtuemart.cfg-dist.php file size is different in VM 1.2
\virtuemart.xml file size is different in VM 1.2

Compare 1.2 files to 1.1.9 files:

\CHANGELOG.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\admin.virtuemart.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\currency\convertECB.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\htmlTools.class.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\includes\domit\index.html is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\includes\domit\xml_domit_include.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\includes\domit\xml_domit_lite_include.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\includes\domit\xml_domit_lite_parser.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\includes\domit\xml_domit_rss.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\includes\domit\xml_domit_rss_lite.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\includes\index.html is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\domitBanner.gif is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\index.html is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\license.txt is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\php_file_utilities.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\php_http_client_generic.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\php_http_client_include.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\php_http_connector.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\php_http_exceptions.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\php_http_proxy.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\php_http_server_generic.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\php_http_server_include.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\php_http_status_codes.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\php_text_cache.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\timer.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_cache.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_doctor.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_getelementsbypath.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_include.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_lite_include.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_lite_parser.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_nodemaps.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_nodetools.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_parseattributes.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_parser.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_rss.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_rss_lite.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_rss_shared.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_shared.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_utilities.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_domit_xpath.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_saxy_lite_parser.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_saxy_parser.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\domit\xml_saxy_shared.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\libraries\index.html is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\mainframe.class.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\menuBar.class.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\menubar.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\pageNavigation.class.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\parameters.class.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\parameters.class_simplexml.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\payflow_pro.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_authorize.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_cashondel.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_echeck.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_epay.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_epn.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_eway.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_ipayment.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_linkpoint.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_merchantwarrior.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_montrada.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_nochex.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_paymate.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_paymenow.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_paypal.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_paypal_api.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_paypal_api.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_paysbuy.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_twocheckout.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\payment\ps_worldpay.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\ps_config.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\ps_html.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\ps_main.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\ps_perm.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\ps_session.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\ps_shopper.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\ps_user.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\ps_userfield.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\auspost.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\canadapost.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\dhl.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\fedex.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\fedex.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\flex.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\intershipper.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\shipvalue.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\ups.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\ups.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\classes\shipping\usps.cfg.dist.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\compat.joomla1.5.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\compat.joomla2.5.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\en-GB.com_virtuemart.sys.ini is not in VM 1.1.9
\html\account.billing.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\account.index.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\account.order_details.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\account.shipping.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\account.shipto.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\admin.module_list.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\admin.show_cfg.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\admin.user_address_form.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\admin.user_field_list.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\admin.user_form.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\admin.user_list.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\basket.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\checkout.index.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\checkout_register_form.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\product.file_form.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\product.file_list.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\product.product_form.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\product.product_list.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\shipping.rate_list.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\shop.ask.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\shop.browse.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\shop.cart.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\shop.downloads.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\shop.product_details.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\shop.recommend.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\shop.savedcart.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\html\ file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\install.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\install.virtuemart.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\languages\language_codes.ini is not in VM 1.1.9
\site\js\extlayout.js.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\js\functions.js file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\js\mootools\MUX.Dialog.css is not in VM 1.1.9
\site\js\mootools\MUX.Dialog.js is not in VM 1.1.9
\site\js\mootools\MUX.Dialog.png is not in VM 1.1.9
\site\js\mootools\mooPrompt1.2.js file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\shop_image\Thumbs.db is not in VM 1.1.9
\site\themes\default\templates\browse\includes\browse_orderbyform.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\themes\default\templates\checkout\get_final_confirmation.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\themes\default\templates\checkout\login_registration.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\themes\default\templates\common\login_form.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\themes\default\templates\pages\account.order_details.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\themes\default\templates\pages\checkout.thankyou.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\themes\default\templates\pages\shop.cart.tpl.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\themes\default\theme.js file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\themes\default\theme.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\site\views\default\tmpl\default.xml is not in VM 1.1.9
\site\virtuemart_parser.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\sql\sql.virtuemart.uninstall.php is not in VM 1.1.9
\toolbar.html.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\toolbar.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\toolbar.virtuemart.html.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\toolbar.virtuemart.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\version.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\virtuemart.cfg-dist.php file size is different in VM 1.1.9
\virtuemart.xml file size is different in VM 1.1.9