==== EARTHQUAKE IN A BOX ====== Hi and don't forget to run start.exe for a GUI directory of this package. Of course, if you want, you can just browse the directories itself. That will still work. Also, please contribute to improving this work in progress package, by going to our "project forum -web" under the "EarthQuake In A Box" folder. You can also reach us by starting up I2p and going to our I2p IRC server on NetTalk (in the IRC folder). ======What to do?===== Well heres your challenge: 1. Get TorChat running 2. Reach Our i2p IRC server 3. Learn how to use putty 4. Get to know i2p 5. Try out the deaddropbbs in /packages/ 6. Read the ebooks Use: https://4v6veu7nsxklglnu.tor2web.org/SimplePM.php or https://4v6veu7nsxklglnu.onion/SimplePM.php ======================= Objective of this carepackage: It is to help ease anons into our decentralized i2p communication network (it's a darknet) , getting them to our secure IRC channel (helps to reduce V&) . Also we want to encourage anons to use TorChat (A decentralised Instant Messenger), as well as learn how to use ssh over tor (to access old school BBS networks anonymously. or help admin linux server as a anonymous volunteer). Also part of its aim is to help educate Anonymous via ebooks, as well as provide a starting platform for acting as 'anon' (via basic tools, pictures to manipulate and use) ============== http://piratepad.net/onionland-map ==== Tips: ==== * For Feed Notifier, I have added a few urls. You may want to set filters on it to shift through the feeds and get only the ones you need. * The advance properties of asuite, when right clicking a program in asuite, has the choice to autorun the program, the next time you open asuite. (Useful for booting up FeedNotifier and I2p, IRC automagically) === LICENCE ==== Licence: GPLv3 Free to use and sources must always be available, even by modders. Also free for use by anonymous.