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#OpSaveAnimals / #OpColtan / #OpGreenRights / #IberoAmerica #OpMexico / #DDOS / #Defacement

Our attention turns to you, unscrupulously and greedy multinationals. Behind your famous commercial images, fabricated and marked on an false Ethic, the most cruel barbarites are hidden. Coltan, the mineral that you use to produce capacitors of mobile phones, besides being harmful to health, is also the sick result of enviromental rape and enslavement of underdeveloped populations. His gruesome traffic conceal the abuse of human rights and the dirty, imperialist war, wich is the daughter of greed and contempt of life in all its meanings. We can not remain indifferent to greedy profiteers whose revenues are derived from the suffering of a colonized, oppressed and exploited people, forced to work in inhuman conditions and paid with meager wages. We also can not remain indifferent to the accomplices of environmental devastation. Your work is unworthy: if you break the Life, we violate your sites. Appeal to the Citizens of the World: while self-styled advertising campaigns boast the next technological item, thousands of children are deprived of their childhood, their bloody hands don't know what a toy is, and they excavate constantly, searching for a mineral wich is harmful to health. Thousands of fathers and mothers also work up to 72 hours without any protection, being enslaved and humiliated. Coltan is deleterious for human rights, for environment, and also for health. Do not be complicit in this mess, make your voice heard, read up, stand up, fight to restore dignity to those who are without because of the dirty work of "democratic" giants of marketing.
"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." (Elie Wiesel)

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