Modern societies are inherently divisive, being both democratic and more highly stratified by interest group (and broader media awareness) than ever before in history. But adding the awful overlay of (totally unnecessary) racial diversity to the mix is surely playing with fire. In 1965, when the treasonous Democrats changed America’s “Whites-Only” immigration laws, the USA was 90% white. There was no need for the change, nor any need at any time (including today) not to have stopped the change. The Democrats paved the way for the dissolution of America, which we have been living through at an intensifying pace ever since. Will America exist in 2050? Almost certainly not - thanks to racial conflicts. 2025? Maybe not. We need to:
Deport all nonwhite illegal aliens
Increase the number of white immigrants
Militarily seal the border with Mexico
Form white nationalist political, legal, professional and even social organizations to protect our racial interests, and build a new sense of white racial community and racial fellow-feeling
Fight continuously all forms of racial integration, especially those legislatively mandated
Encourage all whites to arm themselves as heavily as possible
Protect the Second Amendment (gun rights), and related “stand your ground” laws, so whites can always protect themselves from minority criminals and terrorists
Protect the First Amendment (free speech) from governmental attacks on white racial truth telling via selectively applied “Hate Speech” laws
Create a Federal agency tasked with destroying the millions of members of urban (nonwhite) gangs
Restore widespread and routine use of capital punishment
Grant independence and sever formal ties to Puerto Rico, Guam, and “American” Samoa.
Obviously, these are just starting points to begin the process of ensuring the continued safety and well-being of whites/Americans in what used to be our nation.
All whites need to prepare themselves psychologically (and then physically) for the race war that is likely coming in the 2020s or 2030s. Everything must be done now to increase the chances of eventual white victory and reclamation of the USA for our kind. We are in a “pre-war” stage. Blacks (and, to a lesser extent, other nonwhites) understand this. Only naively liberal (and some ‘conservative’) white buffoons actually believe in the possibility of racial equality and the viability of a multicultural society. Wake up, white men, before it is too late for ourselves, our children and our country.
This isn't a country where you naturally come from, your ancestors ALL immigrated here within the past few hundred years. White Americans are like a baby in comparison to how long other races have populated other countries.
Using your presence and majority in America as justification for making it white only is hilariously sad given that truth. In fact, I would reckon it gives you even less of a right in America, considering our ancestors instigated plenty of the racial tension by massacring native populations and bringing over slaves from other countries. Perhaps you should consider going back to one of the countries of your ancestors. Of course, you're probably mixed of different flavors of white at this point, but unless you are like me and have your genealogy done out* you probably have no idea where you actually come from. I also doubt any of them would want you back.
If you want to cry about minorities being meanies to you, remember that you reap what you sow, and continuing the pointless traditions of racial hatred that has unfortunately followed us for generations will simply contribute to the things that you irrationally and pathetically fear the most.
In conclusion, you are a sad excuse for a human being and do not belong with any civilized population. I would prefer if I could remove other people such as yourself to a small island so as not to suffer the embarrassment of sharing the same skin color with you.
*surprise! all of my ancestors immigrated from other countries, just like yours.
I always find it fascinating that people talk about how white America is without pointing out that it wasn't until the Immigration and Nationalization Act of 1965 that non-whites and even Southern and Eastern European whites were allowed to immigrate based on per-country quotas instead of broad racial quotas.
Seriously, the reason there are so many white people in the US is because the US kept just about everyone who wasn't white from entering the country for about 200 years unless you were in chains.
"white" is a term that tends to mean "people we like" rather than "people with skin paler than X".
Remember that back in the 1800's Irish weren't considered "white", and they're some of the palest people on the planet who aren't albino (there's a book published back then, I forget the title, in which the Bold White Hero is imploring an Irish man to do something and he says something along the lines of "you're almost as good as a white man, surely you recognize the need to X"). As recently as the 1920's Italians and Greeks were considered non-white.
And, interestingly, idiots exactly like baldric88 were preaching that immigration by Irish, Italians, and Greeks would be the ruin of America back then. And conducting "scientific" studies to try and prove that Italians, Greeks, Irish, etc were inherently dumber and more violent than "white" people.
Whites originally stole America from the natives. They should be the first to leave (blacks should technically stay since they were forced and didn't come here by choice). genetically whites aren't even native to Europe, either. More like a genetical anamoly, a freak of nature.
Whites are the ones to blame for the current conflict. The solution is not kicking non-whites out but in fact to abolish "whiteness" as a social construct.
For those of you not in the know, this started with skinheads sometime around the late 70s - early 80s. It stands for the eighth letter in the alphabet, twice. So: HH. HH = Heil Hilter.
This is Stormfront.
So, if you encounter someone with an "88" tattooed on their body somewhere, either give them a wide berth or knock them the fuck out for being retarded.
Lemme guess, you support Ron Paul as president, hate the Federal Reserve but don't know why, and use infowars, naturalnews, and as your primary news sources, no?
All bad ideas, sure. But how about if we say it in German?
Moderne Gesellschaften sind von Natur aus spaltend, wobei sowohl demokratischer und stark geschichteten durch Interest Group (und breitere mediale Aufmerksamkeit) als jemals zuvor in der Geschichte. Aber indem die schreckliche Überlagerung der (völlig unnötig) Vielfalt der Rassen in den Mix ist sicher mit dem Feuer spielen. Im Jahr 1965, als die verräterischen Demokraten Amerikas "nur für Weiße" Einwanderungsgesetze geändert, war die USA 90 Prozent weiß. Es bestand keine Notwendigkeit für die Veränderung, noch irgendeine Notwendigkeit, jederzeit (auch heute) nicht um die Änderung zu stoppen können. Die Demokraten haben den Weg für die Auflösung von Amerika, die wir durch gelebt haben bei einer Intensivierung Tempo seitdem. Wird Amerika im Jahr 2050 gibt es? Ziemlich sicher nicht - dank Rassenkonflikte. 2025? Vielleicht auch nicht. Wir brauchen:
Beenden Sie alle nicht-WEISS EINWANDERUNG
Verbannen Sie alle nicht-weiße illegale Einwanderer
Erhöhen Sie die Anzahl der weißen Einwanderer
Militärisch dichten die Grenze zu Mexiko
Bilden weiße nationalistischen politischen, rechtlichen, beruflichen und sozialen Organisationen selbst, unsere rassischen Interessen zu schützen, und ein neues Gefühl der weißen Rasse und ethnische Gemeinschaft Mitgefühl
Kämpfen kontinuierlich alle Formen rassistischer Integration, insbesondere solche, legislativ beauftragt
Ermutigen Sie alle Weißen, sich so stark wie möglich zu bewaffnen
Schützen Sie das Second Amendment (Pistole Rechte), und erzählte "Haltet Eure Stellung" Gesetze, so Weißen immer schützen sich vor Minderheit Kriminelle und Terroristen
Schützen Sie das First Amendment (Redefreiheit) von staatlichen Angriffen auf weißen Rasse Wahrheit zu sagen über selektiv angewandt "hate speech" Gesetze
Erstellen Sie eine Bundesbehörde mit der Zerstörung der Millionen von Mitgliedern der städtischen (nicht weißen) Banden beauftragt
Wiederherstellen von weit verbreiteten und routinemäßigen Anwendung der Todesstrafe
Gewähren Unabhängigkeit und durchtrennen formalen Bindungen an Puerto Rico, Guam und "amerikanische" Samoa.
Natürlich, das sind nur Ausgangspunkte, um den Prozess der Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und des Wohlbefindens von Weißen / Amerikaner in dem, was verwendet werden, um unsere Nation zu sein beginnen.
Alle Weißen müssen sich psychologisch vorzubereiten (und dann physisch) für den Krieg der Rassen, die wahrscheinlich kommen wird, in den 2020er Jahren oder 2030er. Nun muss alles getan werden, um die Chancen für eine eventuelle weißen Sieg, und die Aufarbeitung der USA für unsere Art zu erhöhen. Wir sind in der "Vorkriegszeit" Bühne. Schwarze (und, in geringerem Umfang, andere Nicht-Weiße) verstehen. Nur naiv liberalen (und einige "konservativ") weiß Possenreißer tatsächlich glauben an die Möglichkeit der Gleichberechtigung der Rassen und die Lebensfähigkeit von einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft. Wach auf, weiße Männer, bevor es zu spät für uns, unsere Kinder und unser Land.
Modern societies are inherently divisive, being both democratic and more highly stratified by interest group (and broader media awareness) than ever before in history. But adding the awful overlay of (totally unnecessary) racial diversity to the mix is surely playing with fire. In 1965, when the treasonous Democrats changed America’s “Whites-Only” immigration laws, the USA was 90% white. There was no need for the change, nor any need at any time (including today) not to have stopped the change. The Democrats paved the way for the dissolution of America, which we have been living through at an intensifying pace ever since. Will America exist in 2050? Almost certainly not - thanks to racial conflicts. 2025? Maybe not. We need to:
Obviously, these are just starting points to begin the process of ensuring the continued safety and well-being of whites/Americans in what used to be our nation.
All whites need to prepare themselves psychologically (and then physically) for the race war that is likely coming in the 2020s or 2030s. Everything must be done now to increase the chances of eventual white victory and reclamation of the USA for our kind. We are in a “pre-war” stage. Blacks (and, to a lesser extent, other nonwhites) understand this. Only naively liberal (and some ‘conservative’) white buffoons actually believe in the possibility of racial equality and the viability of a multicultural society. Wake up, white men, before it is too late for ourselves, our children and our country.
I think this is the first novelty account I've actually liked, good boy!
Best. Novelty. Ever.
Want to join ANTIFA?
This isn't a country where you naturally come from, your ancestors ALL immigrated here within the past few hundred years. White Americans are like a baby in comparison to how long other races have populated other countries.
Using your presence and majority in America as justification for making it white only is hilariously sad given that truth. In fact, I would reckon it gives you even less of a right in America, considering our ancestors instigated plenty of the racial tension by massacring native populations and bringing over slaves from other countries. Perhaps you should consider going back to one of the countries of your ancestors. Of course, you're probably mixed of different flavors of white at this point, but unless you are like me and have your genealogy done out* you probably have no idea where you actually come from. I also doubt any of them would want you back.
If you want to cry about minorities being meanies to you, remember that you reap what you sow, and continuing the pointless traditions of racial hatred that has unfortunately followed us for generations will simply contribute to the things that you irrationally and pathetically fear the most.
In conclusion, you are a sad excuse for a human being and do not belong with any civilized population. I would prefer if I could remove other people such as yourself to a small island so as not to suffer the embarrassment of sharing the same skin color with you.
*surprise! all of my ancestors immigrated from other countries, just like yours.
I always find it fascinating that people talk about how white America is without pointing out that it wasn't until the Immigration and Nationalization Act of 1965 that non-whites and even Southern and Eastern European whites were allowed to immigrate based on per-country quotas instead of broad racial quotas.
Seriously, the reason there are so many white people in the US is because the US kept just about everyone who wasn't white from entering the country for about 200 years unless you were in chains.
"white" is a term that tends to mean "people we like" rather than "people with skin paler than X".
Remember that back in the 1800's Irish weren't considered "white", and they're some of the palest people on the planet who aren't albino (there's a book published back then, I forget the title, in which the Bold White Hero is imploring an Irish man to do something and he says something along the lines of "you're almost as good as a white man, surely you recognize the need to X"). As recently as the 1920's Italians and Greeks were considered non-white.
And, interestingly, idiots exactly like baldric88 were preaching that immigration by Irish, Italians, and Greeks would be the ruin of America back then. And conducting "scientific" studies to try and prove that Italians, Greeks, Irish, etc were inherently dumber and more violent than "white" people.
Whites originally stole America from the natives. They should be the first to leave (blacks should technically stay since they were forced and didn't come here by choice). genetically whites aren't even native to Europe, either. More like a genetical anamoly, a freak of nature.
Whites are the ones to blame for the current conflict. The solution is not kicking non-whites out but in fact to abolish "whiteness" as a social construct.
I see wut u did ther
Haha nutcase
Shit, 88 is my birthyear.
Heil, 1988!
Now get the fuck off my lawn, son.
Ah, the old "88" in the user name...
For those of you not in the know, this started with skinheads sometime around the late 70s - early 80s. It stands for the eighth letter in the alphabet, twice. So: HH. HH = Heil Hilter.
This is Stormfront.
So, if you encounter someone with an "88" tattooed on their body somewhere, either give them a wide berth or knock them the fuck out for being retarded.
Thank you. I just thought it was his year of birth; now I know a piece of trivia that's genuinely interesting and potentially useful to know.
no really, this is hate speech
Lemme guess, you support Ron Paul as president, hate the Federal Reserve but don't know why, and use infowars, naturalnews, and as your primary news sources, no?
Guess what! You're a racist piece of shit! this satire?
All bad ideas, sure. But how about if we say it in German?
Moderne Gesellschaften sind von Natur aus spaltend, wobei sowohl demokratischer und stark geschichteten durch Interest Group (und breitere mediale Aufmerksamkeit) als jemals zuvor in der Geschichte. Aber indem die schreckliche Überlagerung der (völlig unnötig) Vielfalt der Rassen in den Mix ist sicher mit dem Feuer spielen. Im Jahr 1965, als die verräterischen Demokraten Amerikas "nur für Weiße" Einwanderungsgesetze geändert, war die USA 90 Prozent weiß. Es bestand keine Notwendigkeit für die Veränderung, noch irgendeine Notwendigkeit, jederzeit (auch heute) nicht um die Änderung zu stoppen können. Die Demokraten haben den Weg für die Auflösung von Amerika, die wir durch gelebt haben bei einer Intensivierung Tempo seitdem. Wird Amerika im Jahr 2050 gibt es? Ziemlich sicher nicht - dank Rassenkonflikte. 2025? Vielleicht auch nicht. Wir brauchen:
Natürlich, das sind nur Ausgangspunkte, um den Prozess der Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und des Wohlbefindens von Weißen / Amerikaner in dem, was verwendet werden, um unsere Nation zu sein beginnen.
Alle Weißen müssen sich psychologisch vorzubereiten (und dann physisch) für den Krieg der Rassen, die wahrscheinlich kommen wird, in den 2020er Jahren oder 2030er. Nun muss alles getan werden, um die Chancen für eine eventuelle weißen Sieg, und die Aufarbeitung der USA für unsere Art zu erhöhen. Wir sind in der "Vorkriegszeit" Bühne. Schwarze (und, in geringerem Umfang, andere Nicht-Weiße) verstehen. Nur naiv liberalen (und einige "konservativ") weiß Possenreißer tatsächlich glauben an die Möglichkeit der Gleichberechtigung der Rassen und die Lebensfähigkeit von einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft. Wach auf, weiße Männer, bevor es zu spät für uns, unsere Kinder und unser Land.
I thought, wow my German has gotten bad because is a confusing translation, but then I realized it was done with google translate.
you can do all this shit and you suckers are still gonna loose the race wars holmes. can't wait to bash in some white baby heads.
People like baldric88 and chuckspears probably deserve it.
Your hurtful comments are the same as a hate crime.
Probably not the right time to use that catchphrase, bot, considering hate crime is exactly what this post advocates.
Welcome to /r/ShitRedditSays everyone! Please feel free to read our lovely FAQ so you can understand what we're all about!
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.
By the way, the above person is displaying a botched link. This is the original thread so you can see it as it was intended to be seen.
woof woof
Look out doggie. Here comes Obama and he looks hungry
Can't wait to make you into lampshades white boy. Hope you have some nice tattoos.
Explain your anti-white racism -- your hometown of Portland is the 'whitest' major city in America. source: US Census
What aren't you in a black country helping the locals make a better life?
I knew I had you tagged as "racist maniac" for a reason.
This is an A-B conversation; C your way back to /r/spacedicks
Wow, I knew /r/spacedicks popped up in the most unusual places, but this beats them all.
i miss when you just posted that big angry rant
I believe you're confusing me with my stalker troll quikjl and his sockpuppet account ChuckSpears_ (with an underscore to spoof me)
Compare my comment history to his
nah, you even quoted part of it in your little comic, it's the 'anti-racism is code for anti-white' copypasta, you used to throw that up all the time.
also it looks like some dudes are following that guy around too, must be like a stalking conga line.
I didn't write the comic -- did you really believe that I did?
that was hilarious, have an upvote