This guy is my Drawing 2 professor, and he takes his job very seriously. My skill level in drawing has completely changed since the beginning of the semester. The very first day in class, he says good morning and everyone gets quiet because he looks like he's about to start lecturing, and then he says "I love drawing. You don't understand. I LOVE drawing." That really carried through in his class, and everyone that took it has really improved. So I wrote him a thank-you e-mail after he sent me a summer reading list.

So today, i was wasting time on facebook, and remembered that he strictly refused to add any of us. Naturally, that made me want to stalk his page. He had posted my e-mail with the words "E-mail I got from a student, I really needed this." In the comments, his friends and family were all telling him how proud they are of him and stuff like that.

Ever do or say anything like that that had a positive impact on someone?

Edit: I'm in college.