Broken Virtues

Unity... so easy to break. Toss a shiny trinket into a crowd and watch them tear each other asunder just to get a grasp at it. Duty... so easily corrupted. If the payment is good enough, even the morally sound will think twice about doing the less lucrative "right thing". And finally: destiny. Such an intangible concept. What is destiny? Is it just what you are meant do? Do you have a choice in the matter? If you at some point stray from your path, has your destiny changed, or did you simply fail in achieving it?

And yet, those three words - unity, duty and destiny - were the defining characteristics of Toa for millennia. They rambled on about their percieved lot in life, about how their duty to their people made them superior to beings with lesser motives. As I sit here today, watching the universe burn in a massive civil war, I can only laugh at their foolishness. Their virtues were so easily broken.

Over the past years, I have seen Toa slay their "brothers" like never before. I have seen betrayals, corruption, in-fighting and greed. It doesn't help that in the middle of this crisis, the Matoran do not know who to support. Most of them seem to have lapsed into a state of apathy, continuing their work while the area falls apart around them. Vahki and Exo-Toa have been mobilized to stop the fighting, of course, but they can do little when everyone is fighting everyone. Throw in the rest of the species in the universe seeing an opportunity to become the dominant one and you have chaos.

Speaking of chaos, I recently had my warriors repel an attack by a bunch of Rahkshi trying to scale the outer walls of our fortress. I do not know where their masters have gone off to, but it is clear that the creatures do not have anyone backing them either. They fight each other as much as everyone else, and any organized attack feels more like fighting a pack of wild Rahi than intelligent soldiers. Nevertheless, they got uncomfortably close last time. We have held out so far, but I fear we will be overrun eventually. At that point I will have to disappear into obscurity as well. The Dark Hunters shall return to strength some day, but for now, we are biding our time. We cannot fight everyone in the universe at once, especially not a universe where nobody even knows what they are fighting for anymore.

- The Shadowed One