#13 Link to Rosemary Orozco



#39 Link to Monica Woods



#48 Link to Emily Deschanel



#66 Link to Catherine Zeta-Jones


                A List -

 Recruits Exploited through the Sex Trade/Human Trafficking in the United States.

Some are affiliated with the CIA'a MK Ultra Program, Projects Monarch, and Mockingbird. Other's are

          direct DOD, DIA, FBI products. They have been recruited for Sexual Exploitation, Compromising Political

                    Reputations through Extortion, Information Gathering of High Value Targets, Counter Intelligence,

                    Capitol Assasinations and Murder.


Associated Facilities to these individuals Include McClellan Air Force Base, Secret Facilities near Mount

Shasta in California, and the ongoing Secret Tranportation of Individuals to a Secret Location just outside

Las Vegas, Nevada.


Primary Goals seem to be the Placement of Individuals in Key Points in the Control and Dissemination of

Information in Media & Local Government, including the PIO (Public Information Officers) Positions of Most

High Profile in Government and Private Sector Corporations, Media and Entertanment Venues. While the

Sexual Exploitation is the Connection I came upon, it is in no way to be considered representative of the

Grand Scope or Threat the Pattern of this Placement Activity that has been used to Subjugate the American

People from any sense of Freedom or Participation in Matters of the Press or Democratic Principle.


And that is Why it is So Important to Press Forward in finding out the Truths that underlie this Socialistic

Abomination. By the Extention of Small Favors and Extortion, Promises of Non-Icarceration or a New Life -

"They" have Created an Open Air Prison which allows the Continued Intimidation and Exploitation of those

who fall Under Its Control.


Narcotics, including Heroin, Cocaine, and Methanphetamine have become the Mainstays as a Control

Feature this attempt to Manipulate All Forms of Media, Its Personnel & Distribution thereof.


                                       This is "Need to Know Information Only!" - And, It's Time for the American People to Know.

                   Take Care,

                  -Tracy Mapes


This is not a Voting option.



                       Whether You like it or not?, The People have been in fact been Subverted from

                       the Democratic Process. Previously Signed Presidential Executive Orders that were

             developed to address National Emergencies, have been Implemented... These

             include the the gradual take over and Control of Media and Local Government.


   And No, This is Not Something they Are about to tell you about it. This is not an

   info-wars referendum. I found out about it when over 80 of my friends from the

   late 80's and early 90's became employed at various levels in Television News,

   Entertainment, and Local Government. They were all former or Current Prostitutes

   or Drug Dealers, and have had their Criminal pasts Washed. All except for the fact,

   that the Past Predisposition for the use of Narcotics is still used to keep them in line.

   It's the Biggest and Most Dangerous Story Our Nation has ever Faced. And, Don't

   think that the Fed's do not know about This.


   I've Posted it, or E-Mailed Outline Inforrmation to All major Agencies.


             - Not one Word.

It involves CIA, DOD, NSA, DEA, DARPA, DIA, White House. The Senate

and Congress is also painfully aware as they continue to play out their

Theatrical Production to Subdue the Concern of the Public.


                              Is This Our Pearl Harbor?

 ...The Government failed to inform Military Personnel before that tragedy

 event took place, even though they had prior knowledge of the event before

 for attack? Here's Some More for you to ponder.


       Media Subversion - United States



                                       The War did not end with *Gary Webb or the Church Committee Hearings, I'm sure you are aware.


*Note- Gary Webb was a Journalist that worked for the 'Mercury News'

in San Jose California. He wrote a series of stories on CIA's involvement

with the Crack Epidemic of the 1980's and early 90's. He was murdered in

Sacramento County, California, found with 2 gunshot wounds to the head.

It was reported by the Coroner to be a suicide. At this time I was a local TV

News stringer in the Sacramento Area. I covered local news fires. shootings

and homicides. There was no one better at it.


And After Years as a Professional Observer of Law Enforcement Activities,

the Cover-up in such a Matter would seem routine.


                                     Other Items of Evidence Below




I just wanted to present a few items, as I fell into this by chance? ... Or? ...Something to do

with my father's past. Who knows? I have been engaged in this Sub-Level Social War since

at least 1984, and had no clue until my life surreptitiously began to disintegrate in later half

of 2004. It wasn't until about 2006 that a lot of the People I had dealings with on Streets of

Sacramento involving Drug Deals and Street Prostitution would Comeback and Hit My Life

like a Boom-a-Rang from the Past. (Ranging from 1987-1995).


What it involves, is where all of my Former Contacts ended up being Employed. Pimps,

Prostitutes, Drugs Dealers, all now employed by various Media Outlets, Local Government,

and Entertainment. It's not that I'm against Upward Mobility. But I am Dead Set against my

new found Downward Mobility. Yet, I know it's important for Someone to still give a Fuck to

Know and Findout What has happened to Our Country.


And, that's Why I'm writing to you. Even though I know by sharing it, you could suffer the same

Fate as I if you did anything about it.


But Someone has to Care. Someone has to Care enough that they won't stop letting people know.

That is what it is to be a News Person. Not the ones that read empty lines from a teleprompter,

but Someone Who still Cares what the Truth means.

So? ...Basically? I was a construction worker with a lot of spare time on my hands, and here are

some of the people I spent time with.

Take Care, -Tracy Mapes




Heavy Media Infiltration and the Placement of Individuals in Local Government, Entertainment.





What is wrong with this picture?

Kiran Chetry Interviews Parents http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0909/02/ltm.01.html


Just a Few Love Letters from the Ol' Gal.

The Catherine Zeta-Jones Character is a Propaganda Myth.

And without a Clear foundation of the Persons past renders this Article to be false. And,

despite being corroborate by multiple false sources, is still false information. The A.K.A.

of Ms. Jones, is Debbie Rentfrow from Sacramento, California.


The following Letter will be submitted as evidence of her Identity. The numbers on the

face of the Letter are Reference Numbers to Her Jail Identification Number: 611309. I

knew her from the years 1992 to 1995. In 1995, I received 9 Letters from Her, at various

stages, as she was moved from the Custody of Sacramento County, to the California

Detention Center for Women at Norco, California. Here she was accepted into a Program

with 80 other Women, scheduled for Narcotics Rehabilitation by a Group called Waldon

House based in San Francisco, California.

I cannot prove that Waldon House was/or is a CIA front, but I imagine a qualified Investigator would find some connectionbetween the Norco Prison Facility, Waldon House, Scientology based in Norco, and the CIA. The Development of these Character Based Lives are to Control Media, Movies, and Other Information distributed to the Public, to shape, form, and design their beliefs in the World as they know it. If the belief's are false? The perception of Reality crumbles.

I Recommend further Investigation before this Article is allowed to stand as it is based upon false claims of Identity.


Here is a Link to the Letter in Question: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2537/3972982821_fc10d7b8dc_o.jpg


9 Other Letters are available dating from December of 1994 to May of 1995.


The Living Dead:



This is a girl I chased around on the street for 5 years, trying to dissuade from the narcotics/prostitution life style.

 In 1993, she was reportedly the victim of a drug overdose in a Reno, NV Hotel room, at the Circus Circus. I was out of town when this happened, and upon my return to Sacramento, I went out to the Boulevard to find out what the hell happened?

Word on the street was that she had ripped off a Mexican Drug Dealer for 4 Grand of dope (Tar Heroine) and that her and another girl fled to Reno. After running out of dope and having no connections in Reno, the other girl reportedly returned to Sacramento to score some dope. When she returned to Reno, She was supposedly followed by the Dealers that had been robbed, and Lavina was"Hot Shotted" with Dope. (Intentional Overdose, as explained by street girl).

I tended Lavina Bastio's grave site off and on from 1993 to 2007, when I found that she was employed at KTXL Fox Affiliate here in Sacramento as an on-air weather person, under the assumed name Rosemary Orozco.



                   Very Special



Here is a List of other contacts from the streets, and where they are now. http://www.geocities.com/california_state_unfair2002/media-subversion-us2009.html 

My Story below on Portland Indymedia recounts other Media Connections, please scroll to bottom of article. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2008/07/377489.shtml

I don't get paid for telling the Truth, it's quite the opposite.


You can find me here.


Take Care

-Tracy Mapes