$100/day Online/Offline Hybrid Whitehat Method!

Difficulty ||||||||||

By JasonZ10

This method is VERY simple and easy to pick up and prepare, but up-scaling and managing may be tough. Everything is completely white hat and done both online and offline. If you're having trouble with IM and you don't at least attempt this method, then you're clearly not motivated enough to start your own business, just because of its simplicity. I guarantee it'll be worth your time to do. This methods 90% original. I read about a pawn shop owner who'd buy CD's off people for $0.50 each and sell them for ~$10 and make good money doing that, so I added an IM side onto it. I digress, onto the method..


1. Go to your classifieds for your city, post something like this:


I'll pay you up to $10 for your old CD's and vinyl records. Send me a list of all of the ones you're willing to sell, and I'll offer you a reasonable amount for each.

        Also go to your local cornerstores/city halls/wherever has an open bulletin board that gets a good amount of people seeing it, and put a few posters up with the rippable little tabs with your e-mail or phone number.

2. Once you get people inquiring and sending you lists of their CD collection, look at the Amazon pages for each CD.

Let’s say someone told you they had 2Pac’s Greatest Hits on CD. Go to the Amazon Page and look at all of its info.


New Price

Used Price

Sell for

2Pac’s Greatest Hits




So if you can buy this album for ~$1 - $3, you have a profit margin of about $9+. It’s not hard to pay little for CD’s since most of the people you’re buying from are lacking of common sense. Convince them they don’t need them anyway and they haven’t touched them in ages.

TIP: If you see someone's got an underground/old school hip-hop CD, you've basically hit the jackpot. Here's an album I really like, and would love to get in CD form (I'm an audiophile), but as you can see, used is $40! You can make $35 off that one CD easily if you're buying it from the right person.


Making Money

1. Organize all of your CD’s in whatever way you want, just make sure you keep track of how much they’re worth and how much you’re going to be selling them for.

2. Decide if you’re going to be selling them on eBay or Amazon. Here’s a table for your convenience!


-Higher Payout

-Less Fees

-May take a while to sell


-Lower Payout

-High Fees

-Sells pretty fast

3. Undercut your competitors by one dollar unit. That means if the lowest before you list yours is $13.02, sell yours for $12.97. As long as yours looks cheaper, people will generally buy it. People are getting more savvy about shipping fee-rape, but you could add an extra dollar or two on if you really want to.

4. Buy padded shipping envelopes to ship in. They’re basically $0.14 each, and you can add $0.50 or so on top to cover the cost of them.

Now go out there and try this method. It's insanely easy, just keep track of all of your transactions and don't overpay for any of the CD's unless you want to keep it yourself.