Im sure many of you know about the "Hacking Indecent" upon OACP. First, I would like to say why I targeted OACP; My goal of the minor break in was to: 1. Raise awareness of the bill C-30 2. Show how some Police don't know how to choose a password 3. In protest of the bill 4. Support Canadian people who oppose the bill This break in was very minor due to the fact there was no damage done to files or any other data they had on there poorly protected website. I was more than capable to takeover there site, I didn't so IT people who think I did, after I say I didn't your really idiotic and should be removed from that position. You would expect more intelligence from Law Enforcement when it comes to Cyber-Security. (Just wanna point something out, please don't feel offended.) The passwords were not even "Encrypted". If you ever saw the movie "Hackers 1995" you would see they clearly the most used passwords, Julie Kwiecinski should of not used that password "love". Don't feel offended I pointed you out please. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The intended goal was to not harm the site, and it was not harmed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be clear, I quoted hackers 1995 because if bill C-30 is passed. Law enforcement could spy on you, that's where the quote came in "Snoop on to them as they Snoop on to you" - Hackers 1995" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, I saw the news report and I was not involved in the hacking of Ohio or any other sites, you might know... Whats on my pastebin page is on my page nothing more, nothing less. I've decided not to take interviews because they could be trying to get bits of info and work with it. I will tell you a few things, *It was SQLi based* *It was to raise attention about the bill* *Let people know that even Law enforcement people use the dumbest passwords and don't encrypt them* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OACP, I would like to applaud you for standing your ground, it takes lots of courage to do so, but have you thought about the people who could be violated in many different ways if the government spy's on them 24/7? Also, wouldn't spending 80 million dollars on surveillance technology hurt Canada's economy? This quote disgusted me, "You’re with us, or the child pornographers" ~Vic Toews Does he have any Idea how Bias that is? Probably not. He is not the only the person against child porn, lots of people are (Including me) but does he have to bring that up to help support the bill C-30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------