_  _                   __  .__                      

  __| || |__ _____    _____/  |_|__| ______ ____   ____     #anonymous

  \   __   / \__  \  /    \   __\  |/  ___// __ \_/ ___\    #antisec

   |  ||  |   / __ \|   |  \  | |  |\___ \\  ___/\  \___    #fuckfbifriday

  /_  ~~  _\ (____  /___|  /__| |__/____  >\___  >\___  >   #occupywallstreet

    |_||_|        \/     \/             \/     \/     \/    #freeanons





wiped off the net:  geogroup.com thegeofoundationinc.com geogroupcareers.com  

                    geocareinc.com thegeogroupinc.com

Welcome again to another round of attacks on our most favorite of days,

#FuckFBIFriday. We hope you got a quick laugh out out of that Dayton Ohio

Infragard defacement earlier. But rest easy fellow pirates, more mayhem is on

the way.

As part of our ongoing efforts to dismantle the prison industrial complex, we

attacked one of the largest private prison corporations in the US - Geo Group.

Despite the well documented history of corruption, scandal, and atrocities that

companies like GEO perpetuate each and every minute our friends are locked

behind their prison walls, the private prison industry is still booming. While

most folks are suffering under the economy, many billions of dollars are being

funneled into this sinister conniving alliance of capitalist and statist forces

to try to build dozens upon dozens of new prisons across the world.

What they did not figure into their plans was a determined effort to shut them


What did they not expect was that anonymous has been lurking their shitty

windows vhost for months, and finally pulled the trigger.


We are acting in solidarity with all those who have ever been wrongfully

profiled, arrested, brutalized, incarcerated, and have had all dignity and

humanity stripped from them as they are cast into the gulags of America. On

February 28th, our fellow anons and occupiers will be marching in the streets of

the US to demand an end ot the suppression of the occupation movement. But our

solidarity does not extend only to occupiers or political prisoners: we do not

give any legitimacy or credibility to a justice system that look after their own  

prosecuters and pigs who get away with brutality and corruption, while they 

routinely murder innocent people on death row and locks up immigrants they deem

"illegal" while profitting by forcing them to labor for far less than minimum


When our comrades are locked up struggling against a repressive regime that has 

no concern for due process, we do not forget.

When our comrades are ripped off their civil liberties and human rights, we do

not forgive.

We will abolish their prisons in all forms, and run the pigs off of our 

streets. We will burn down their prison society, because only on the ashes of

the old world can we hope to rebuild a new one.

Solidarity means attack!

*** On February 28th, fellow anons and occupiers will take to the streets to

demand an end to the suppression of the Occupation movement. BE THURRR!!!!

The Shocking Ways the Corporate Prison Industry Games the System

The GEO Group Cashes In Business is Booming for the Prison Profiteers

Connected to geogroup.com (

220 Microsoft FTP Service

Name (geogroup.com:mysql): geogroup1

331 Password required for geogroup1.


230 User logged in.

Remote system type is Windows_NT.

ftp> cd httpdocs

250 CWD command successful.

ftp> ls -al

227 Entering Passive Mode (50,115,112,244,245,108).

125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.

01-23-12  09:59PM                21518 .DS_Store

02-18-10  09:37AM                  650 1stQuarter2010.htm

02-22-10  09:36AM                  654 1stQuarter2010.pdf.htm

03-11-11  10:43AM              6988174 1stQuarter2011.pdf

02-13-12  05:33AM                 9196 404.html

02-21-12  06:50AM                13964 about.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                15273 Accreditation.asp

10-27-09  01:11PM                 2120 AC_ActiveX.js

10-27-09  01:11PM                 8327 AC_RunActiveContent.js

02-13-12  05:33AM                13105 addFacilities.asp

01-23-12  09:59PM                 2183 admin_Default.asp

01-23-12  09:59PM                 3622 admin_Login.asp

10-27-09  11:58AM       <DIR>          ajaxtabs

09-02-11  05:44AM                13551 all-ie.css

10-27-09  01:12PM                13287 all-ie2.css

10-27-09  11:58AM       <DIR>          alumni

02-13-12  05:33AM                11066 alumni.htm

11-11-11  11:50PM       <DIR>          App_Data

06-16-11  05:27AM       <DIR>          AR_2009_ClientDL

06-16-11  06:10AM       <DIR>          AR_2010

10-23-09  06:24AM       <DIR>          aspnet_client

02-13-12  05:33AM                13575 Benefits.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                13770 benefitsAdvantages.asp

09-23-11  05:38AM       <DIR>          bios

02-13-12  05:33AM                12626 boardofdirectors.asp

06-15-11  05:15AM                   31 boardofdirectors.asp.LCK

07-06-11  08:04AM       <DIR>          boardofdirect_MMtmp72c72b47

02-13-12  05:33AM                12752 bod.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                  407 BrianEvansPhoto.htm

02-13-12  05:33AM                12163 business.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                12785 businessservices.asp

09-02-11  07:55AM                   31 businessservices.asp.LCK

02-13-12  05:33AM                13450 businessservices_new.asp

10-27-09  12:09PM       <DIR>          Careers

02-21-12  07:02AM                16229 careers.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                16344 careers2.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                11562 CareerSearch.asp

09-16-11  11:44AM                   31 careersearch.asp.LCK

11-10-09  08:56AM       <DIR>          careers_asp_MMtmp336c52d5

08-12-10  01:05PM       <DIR>          Careers_asp_MMtmp3da12d6d

02-01-10  11:43AM       <DIR>          careers_asp_MMtmp640c5402

10-27-09  12:11PM       <DIR>          CharityLogos

10-27-09  01:12PM                 5202 ClearOverAll.swf

10-27-09  01:12PM                 2080 ClearOverPlayMute.swf

02-08-10  03:18PM                 3497 ClearOverPlaySeekMute.swf

10-27-09  01:12PM                 7829 Clear_Skin_3.swf

02-13-12  05:33AM                20789 collaborativepartnerships.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                12701 communityinvolvement.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                15700 communityoutreach.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                11187 communityservice.asp

10-27-09  11:56AM       <DIR>          Connections

01-23-12  09:59PM                15268 contact-send-old.asp

01-23-12  09:59PM                16728 contact-send-old2.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                14455 contact-send.asp

11-02-09  09:41AM                15302 contact-send.asp.bku

02-13-12  05:33AM                14469 contact-sendm.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                23266 contact.asp

10-27-09  01:12PM                12497 Corona_Skin_1.swf

10-27-09  01:12PM                15319 Corona_Skin_3.swf

02-13-12  05:33AM                11024 corpGovernance.asp

12-08-11  08:14AM       <DIR>          css

02-13-12  05:33AM                20459 culture.asp

02-23-12  10:30PM       <DIR>          database

02-13-12  05:33AM                 4417 deleteFacility.asp

08-12-10  09:05AM       <DIR>          demo

02-13-12  05:33AM                17220 Design-Construction.asp

09-02-11  09:27AM                   31 Design-Construction.asp.LCK

02-13-12  05:33AM                16403 design.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                11739 diversity.asp

12-25-11  06:21AM       <DIR>          documents

02-13-12  05:33AM                12710 economicdevelopment.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                12352 editFacility.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                12167 editFacilityA.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                23501 education.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                10163 EmailAlerts.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                14148 employees.asp

10-27-09  01:13PM               287592 EmploymentAppCA.pdf

10-27-09  01:13PM               277246 EmploymentAppGEOCare.pdf

10-27-09  01:13PM               287081 EmploymentAppIL.pdf

10-27-09  01:13PM               285905 EmploymentAppMain.pdf

10-27-09  01:13PM               286760 EmploymentAppNC.pdf

10-27-09  01:13PM               286367 EmploymentAppNM.pdf

10-27-09  01:13PM               286934 EmploymentAppNY.pdf

10-27-09  01:13PM               286986 EmploymentAppPA.pdf

10-27-09  01:13PM               286026 EmploymentAppWA.pdf

02-13-12  05:33AM                 3483 enlargeFacility.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                11513 ethics.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                 3356 external1.htm

02-13-12  05:33AM                  804 external2.htm

02-13-12  05:33AM                 1391 external3.htm

02-13-12  05:33AM                 2082 external4.htm

02-13-12  05:33AM                 1179 external5.htm

04-21-10  06:25AM                   37 ezodmenu.js.LCK

04-21-10  08:14AM                 8098 ezodmenu_000.js

04-21-10  09:39AM                 8098 ezodmenu_001.js

10-25-11  07:17AM       <DIR>          facilities

08-08-11  11:31AM       <DIR>          facilities-sm

02-13-12  05:33AM                15624 facility.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                12657 facilityoperations.asp

06-15-11  12:56PM                   31 facilityoperations.asp.LCK

07-06-11  08:07AM       <DIR>          facilityopera_MMtmp41e24d42

02-21-12  06:57AM                33697 facilityops.asp

10-27-09  01:13PM                  615 facility_styles.css

10-27-09  01:13PM                 1313 facilty_styles.css

02-21-12  06:51AM                   31 facts.asp.LCK

02-21-12  06:53AM                18018 facts.asp.new

02-13-12  05:33AM                40694 faqs.asp

06-16-11  09:32AM                   31 faqs.asp.LCK

07-06-11  08:09AM       <DIR>          faqs_asp_MMtmp33c61640

02-13-12  05:33AM                 9764 faqs_family.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                14323 faqs_student.asp

10-27-09  01:13PM                 1150 favicon.ico

02-13-12  05:33AM                15125 federal-state-local.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                 1474 feed.asp

11-08-11  01:19PM       <DIR>          files

06-06-11  10:29PM       <DIR>          flash

10-27-09  01:15PM             44515396 flash.zip

10-27-09  01:15PM                 4855 Flashglobe.swf

10-27-09  01:15PM                 4849 flashglobe2.swf

02-13-12  05:33AM                14258 floridafacilities.asp

10-27-09  01:15PM                 9038 FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf

08-25-10  11:01AM       <DIR>          flvs

02-13-12  05:33AM                16294 Foundation.asp

08-09-10  01:17PM             47209938 GEO-CORNELL-MERGER-v3.ai

10-27-09  01:15PM                 6587 geo.css

08-26-11  10:54AM       <DIR>          GEOCare

02-13-12  05:33AM                15059 geocare-facilities.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                15669 GEOcare.asp

09-02-11  09:15AM                   31 GEOcare.asp.LCK

08-04-10  11:21PM               146644 geocare2010.swf

02-13-12  05:33AM                11451 GEOCareInc.-BI.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                14934 geocareinc.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                12599 geogroup.asp

01-17-12  10:57PM                 3326 geogroup_redirection.js

10-27-09  01:16PM                 5438 geohome.css

08-17-10  09:13PM       <DIR>          geoMerger

02-13-12  05:33AM                10216 geomerger-2.html

08-13-10  10:07AM                59434 geomerger-2.swf

08-13-10  09:44AM              8474747 GEOMERGER-3.flv

08-13-10  10:00AM              9200577 geomerger-4.flv

08-13-10  10:09AM              7087341 geomerger-5.flv

02-13-12  05:33AM                10149 geomerger-5.html

08-13-10  10:44AM                59441 geomerger-5.swf

08-13-10  10:49AM              4474802 geomerger-5_2.flv

08-12-10  05:44PM              7614558 GEOTK01A.flv

08-12-10  09:10AM              5750445 GEOTK03-new.flv

08-12-10  03:15PM              5925821 GEOTK03.flv

02-13-12  05:33AM                14354 GEOworld.asp

10-27-09  01:15PM                 6919 geo_green.css

08-13-10  03:39PM             11714076 geo_merger_8.flv

10-27-09  01:15PM             14206789 geo_whc.flv

10-27-09  01:16PM             14962005 geo_whc_master_4_web_260h.flv

08-13-10  03:38PM                59457 ger_merger_8.swf

02-13-12  05:33AM                12464 GiongGreen-GTI.asp

09-02-11  03:35AM                16281 global.css

08-13-10  06:48PM                13738 global.css.BK

10-27-09  01:16PM                13015 global2.css

09-02-11  05:38AM                12592 global_ie.css

10-27-09  01:16PM                12447 global_ie2.css

02-13-12  05:33AM                13920 GoingGreen-BI.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                12814 goinggreen-blackwater.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                14402 GoingGreen-design.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                13510 GoingGreen-DetentionCorrections.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                12471 GoingGreen-GEOCare.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                12393 GoingGreen-GTI.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                11297 goinggreen.asp

06-21-10  10:18PM                   53 googleb7e769549634df9a.html

02-13-12  05:34AM                13575 gti.asp

10-27-09  01:16PM                10076 Halo_Skin_3.swf

10-27-09  12:28PM       <DIR>          HDWASPFormCaptcha

10-15-09  01:28PM                 1897 header.js

02-13-12  05:33AM                12336 Healthcare.asp

06-15-11  12:59PM                   31 Healthcare.asp.LCK

02-13-12  05:34AM                20329 history.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                12950 home.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                10273 home_merger.html

08-12-10  06:09PM                59438 home_merger.swf

08-12-10  05:25PM                45400 home_paused-old.swf

02-08-10  03:17PM                45400 home_paused.swf

08-12-10  05:25PM                41190 home_paused_merger.swf

02-13-12  05:33AM                 4352 HRContact.html

10-27-09  12:28PM       <DIR>          icons

10-27-09  01:16PM                 1049 ie6-hacks.css

12-25-11  06:22AM       <DIR>          images

10-27-09  01:17PM                  970 images-about.xml

10-27-09  01:17PM                  808 images-benefits.xml

10-27-09  01:17PM                  811 images-Community.xml

10-27-09  01:17PM                  746 images-History.xml

10-27-09  01:17PM                 1041 images-Offices.xml

10-27-09  01:17PM                  888 images-opportunities.xml

10-27-09  01:17PM                  823 images-Transportation.xml

10-27-09  01:16PM                 3413 images.swf

10-27-09  01:17PM                  799 images.xml

10-27-09  01:17PM                 3420 imagesAbout.swf

10-27-09  01:17PM                 3423 imagesBenefits.swf

10-27-09  01:17PM                 3424 imagesCommunity.swf

10-27-09  01:17PM                 3423 imagesHistory.swf

10-27-09  01:17PM                 3422 imagesOffices.swf

10-27-09  01:17PM                 3425 imagesOpportunities.swf

10-27-09  01:17PM                 3425 imagesTransportation.swf

11-11-11  11:48PM       <DIR>          img

01-23-12  09:59PM                15667 index-backup-091911.asp

01-23-12  09:59PM                18286 index-bk.asp

01-23-12  09:59PM                16630 index-MONDAY-SEP19.asp

02-21-12  06:48AM                16937 index.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                24780 InfoforMedia.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                16152 international.asp

09-02-11  08:54AM                   31 international.asp.LCK

02-13-12  05:34AM                15267 internationalservices.asp

02-21-12  06:26AM                13681 investorrelations.asp

10-27-09  01:08PM       <DIR>          javascript

02-13-12  05:34AM                17549 jobopps.asp

04-21-10  06:25AM                   37 jse_form.js.LCK

04-21-10  08:08AM                78157 jse_form_000.js

04-21-10  09:35AM                78157 jse_form_001.js

04-21-10  06:25AM                   37 jse_pdfpagenumbering.js.LCK

12-13-11  10:33AM       <DIR>          Kathy_htm_MMtmp65063255

02-13-12  05:34AM                12520 leadership.asp

06-15-11  10:48AM                   31 leadership.asp.LCK

02-13-12  05:34AM                23996 legal.asp

04-21-10  06:25AM                   37 localization-english.js.LCK

04-21-10  08:06AM                10441 localization-english_000.js

04-21-10  09:33AM                10441 localization-english_001.js

02-13-12  05:34AM                10550 locations.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                13097 locations_au.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                13001 locations_gc-NEW.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                13001 locations_gc-old.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                13002 locations_gc.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                13015 locations_gc2.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                12960 locations_na-NEW.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                12961 locations_na.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                13121 locations_sa.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                13083 locations_uk.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                17399 ManagementBios.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                 1617 MeetthePresident.htm

02-13-12  05:33AM                 1615 Meet_the_President.htm

10-27-09  01:18PM             39796118 Meet_The_President.wmv

05-25-10  11:04AM       <DIR>          MMWIP

08-30-11  12:42AM       <DIR>          NewMenuTest

02-13-12  05:33AM                25328 NewsFeatures.asp

10-27-09  01:09PM       <DIR>          newsroom-pdfs

02-13-12  05:34AM                16162 newsroom.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                14982 northamerica.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                15578 northlake-careers.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                14265 northlake.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                11791 offices.asp

08-04-10  08:13AM       <DIR>          offices_asp_MMtmp0d051736

02-13-12  05:34AM                12380 partnerships.asp

06-15-11  11:17AM                   31 partnerships.asp.LCK

07-06-11  08:13AM       <DIR>          partnerships__MMtmp56595e2c

10-27-09  01:19PM              2859800 Paws1Movie.wmv

10-27-09  01:19PM              3898354 Paws2Movie.wmv

02-13-12  05:33AM                 1060 PDFapp.htm

11-11-11  11:48PM       <DIR>          picture_library

02-13-12  05:34AM                 2502 postinfo.html

02-13-12  05:34AM                 4254 press-new.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                 4248 press.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                 3590 press.html

02-13-12  05:33AM                22106 Programs.asp

02-13-12  05:33AM                14059 QAcompliance.asp

06-15-11  12:58PM                   31 QAcompliance.asp.LCK

02-07-12  04:22AM       <DIR>          quickbar

03-04-11  09:59AM       <DIR>          random

02-13-12  05:34AM                39140 results.asp

06-21-10  10:38PM                  129 robots.txt

02-13-12  05:33AM                12592 SafetySecurity.asp

06-15-11  01:00PM                   31 SafetySecurity.asp.LCK

01-23-12  03:24AM       <DIR>          Scripts

02-13-12  05:34AM                17275 seniormanagement.asp

04-21-10  06:25AM                   37 settings.js.LCK

04-21-10  08:10AM                15058 settings_000.js

04-21-10  09:37AM                15058 settings_001.js

02-13-12  05:34AM                  543 showHide.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                19335 sitemap.asp

09-22-11  05:50AM                   31 sitemap.asp.LCK

08-17-10  06:57AM                 8010 SkinOverAllNoVolNoCaptionNoFull.swf

08-13-10  06:49PM                 6835 SkinOverPlayStopSeekMuteVol.swf

02-13-12  05:34AM                14738 state-local-federal.asp

08-17-10  09:14PM                 5190 SteelOverAll.swf

02-13-12  05:34AM                 2394 style.css

02-13-12  05:34AM                16927 sunshine.asp

04-21-10  06:25AM                   37 tdqm_loader.js.LCK

04-21-10  09:41AM                 4276 tdqm_loader_001.js

10-27-09  01:11PM       <DIR>          Templates

11-11-11  11:48PM       <DIR>          test

11-29-11  11:40AM                  352 test.htm

12-01-11  08:21AM       <DIR>          Test_htm_MMtmp2e0576d2

02-22-11  01:01PM       <DIR>          TheGEOFoundat_MMtmp700d1b5b

01-23-12  09:59PM                14492 TheGEOGroupInc.-Careers.asp

02-18-11  02:03PM       <DIR>          TheGEOGroupIn_MMtmp5bbc58ad

10-27-09  01:19PM                    0 TMP2nkpgr936o.htm

02-13-12  05:34AM                14420 transportation.asp

09-02-11  09:20AM                   31 transportation.asp.LCK

09-02-11  03:32AM       <DIR>          trash

02-13-12  05:34AM                 1132 twmenu.css

02-13-12  05:33AM                16052 UniversityofPhoenix.asp

11-29-11  11:40AM                10585 Untitled-2.html

02-13-12  05:34AM                15436 us-corrections.asp

09-02-11  08:15AM                   31 us-corrections.asp.LCK

02-13-12  05:34AM                14837 usdetentioncorrections.asp

02-13-12  05:34AM                33683 vendor.asp

11-03-09  03:02PM                69120 VendorApplication.doc

11-03-09  03:03PM                28943 VendorApplication.pdf

02-13-12  05:34AM                25844 vendors.asp

10-27-09  01:22PM            111450112 VTS_01_1_mpeg2video.mpg

02-21-12  07:02AM       <DIR>          _baks

03-22-11  01:18PM       <DIR>          _mm

02-21-12  07:02AM       <DIR>          _notes

10-15-09  01:28PM       <DIR>          _private

10-15-09  01:28PM       <DIR>          _vti_cnf

10-15-09  01:28PM                 1754 _vti_inf.html

10-15-09  01:28PM       <DIR>          _vti_log

10-15-09  01:28PM       <DIR>          _vti_pvt

10-15-09  01:28PM       <DIR>          _vti_script

10-15-09  01:28PM       <DIR>          _vti_txt

ftp> cd database

250 CWD command successful.

ftp> dir

227 Entering Passive Mode (50,115,112,244,245,242).

125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.

06-11-11  10:35PM                   64 Document.ldb

10-27-09  12:11PM              2494464 Document.mdb

01-12-12  07:58AM              1236992 Facilities.mdb

10-27-09  12:11PM               868352 FacilitiesBACKUP.mdb

11-18-09  11:02AM               258990 FacilitiesCORRUPT.mdb

226 Transfer complete.

ftp> cd ../documents

250 CWD command successful.

ftp> dir

227 Entering Passive Mode (50,115,112,244,247,198).

125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.

02-18-10  08:45AM                   37 124820GEOworld.pdf.LCK

02-18-10  09:37AM            516489216 124820GEOworld.pdf.new

02-22-10  09:31AM                   37 1stQuarter2010.pdf.LCK

02-22-10  09:36AM             38322176 1stQuarter2010.pdf.new

10-27-09  12:12PM              3877311 20093Q.pdf

11-04-09  10:19AM              6196534 20094Q.pdf

11-04-09  02:36PM               580950 2009DayofCaring.pdf

04-28-10  10:32AM              4184871 2Q-2010_GEOworld.pdf

10-27-09  12:12PM               277246 47635EmploymentAppASH.pdf

06-29-10  08:45AM              2756157 68198.pdf

02-18-11  11:56AM             13553108 Agreement.pdf

12-08-11  01:49PM              1323523 articles-12-8-11.pdf

09-13-11  12:00PM              1353551 articles.pdf

10-27-09  12:12PM                59034 AuditandFinanceCommitteeCharter.pdf

10-27-09  12:12PM                28136 AuditCommitteeCharter.pdf

03-11-11  11:06AM               136427 BIAcquisiition.pdf

11-09-11  09:15AM               341990 Blackwater.pdf

06-14-11  11:46AM              2185272 BrianEvans.pdf

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10-27-09  12:13PM                88507 InternshipLetter.pdf

10-27-09  12:13PM               193452 InternshipPoliciesandProceduresManual.pdf

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02-23-10  08:01AM              1122128 JOE-story.pdf

06-14-11  11:45AM               863523 John-Hurley.pdf

06-14-11  11:45AM              1141981 Jorge-Dominicis.pdf

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02-23-10  08:01AM              1811683 MARK-K-story.pdf

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03-10-10  01:28PM                72719 NENMDF-February-audit.pdf

11-02-10  09:07AM                15941 NewCastleCorrectionalFacilityReceivesPerfectScoreforRe.pdf

10-27-09  12:13PM                16765 NominatingandCorporateGovernanceCommitteeCharter.pdf

10-27-09  12:13PM                34742 NonimatingandCorporateGovernanceCommmitteeCharter.pdf

11-19-10  01:46PM               154849 NorthLake-Benefits-2010-2011.pdf

08-12-10  10:46AM               337964 NursesWeek.pdf

04-28-10  10:23AM               163281 P-card-article.pdf

10-27-09  12:13PM                23749 PolicyforReportingComplaintsRegardingAccountingorAuditingMatters.pdf

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10-27-09  12:13PM               203264 RFPtoFinanceBuildDesignAndOperateStateFacility_Generic.DOC

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01-12-10  12:47PM              1109599 StepUpforStudents.pdf

11-04-09  10:18AM               509877 SustainablyGreen.pdf

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03-11-11  11:06AM              2332011 Wayne.pdf

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God Only Knows What Devils We Are

an apologia for the black bloc from the community that has no community

courtesy of the Institute for Experimental Freedom

Have you ever worn the mask one-two one-two, 
(M) to the (A) to the (S) to the (K) 
Put the mask upon the face just to make the next day, Feds be hawkin me 
Jokers be stalking me, I walk the streets and camouflage my identity, 
My posse in the Brooklyn wear the mask. 
My crew in the Jersey wear the mask. 
Stick up kids doing boogie woogie wear the mask. Yeah everybody wear da mask but how long will it last. -The Fugees

That’s why I live illegal All my life I live illegal Don’t give a fuck bout the law 
When my pockets reaching zero 
I’m fresh out the ghost town similar to your town
 I’m probably where it goes down
 He pretends he tolls down 
-Ski Beatz & Freddie Gibbs

For thirteen years, for over a decade, I have donned the black mask. “ Seattle”—that word still means “the days the world stood still” to me. “Genoa” still holds more terror and perversity than the North American September 11. In experiencing anonymous collective force, I have gained far more than a diversity of tactics in my tool box. The black bloc is not merely a tactic, as so many anarchist apologists claim; it’s more of an aesthetic development in the art of street confrontation. The black bloc is a methodology of struggle; it goes beyond a single color, and its intelligence reaches beyond the terrain of protests. The black bloc is irreducibly contemporary because only in its opacity can a ray of light from the heavens finally reach us. Allow me to explain.


It’s the summer of 2000. Many of us have given up on both Democrats and Republicans. The sense is that “anti-globalization” poses the only alternative to advanced capitalism. The Democratic National Convention: I am marching, drenched in sweat, through the catacombs that hosted the Rodney King riots. Sadly, the only remnant of those fateful days is a militarized police force that anticipates our every move.

We walk into an enormous play pen—the “free speech zone”—surrounded on all sides by a sea of navy blue wielding pepper balls and batons. Amid the most dreadful speeches and rebellious rock music, we find each other: the stupid, isolated, alienated, and utterly lost children of capital, just beginning our downward spiral—just beginning a precarious life, without promise and without hope.

We organize ourselves at the center and proceed to the margin, where things are unpredictable. Someone climbs the tall fence, reaching the limit of free speech; and then another, and another. A black flag is unfurled, and a figure waves it with pride, claiming this as a site of freedom with that stupid gesture. The pepper balls crash against your skin; they collide against your frail bones, exploding on impact and releasing a furious burning that traps itself in your oily clothes and sweat. The crowd collectively gains intelligence and transforms the signs bearing socialist slogans into shields for cover. We brace each other and press the signs against the fence. Shot with pepper balls, a figure falls from the apex of the fence; arms and femur bones snap against the concrete.

That putrid smell, the eyes glossed over in tears, the stomach churns and nausea overwhelms you. Vinegar-soaked rags help to soak up the poisonous clouds, but you can hear screaming everywhere as the blue tide comes rushing in, and your nerves twist and vibrate as the CS gas and police mutate into a single hostile terrain.

Suddenly, I am with six or ten people. I don’t know who. We’ve found a large road sign and we’re lifting it slowly. Plastic bottles soar impotently overhead. A small rock or two hits an officer. We press with what was once our labor power, straining to hurl the worthless product of our grandparents’ toil back at our overseers. The object tilts over the fence and falls to other side: clong. We cheer and revel in our functionless gesture. “Fuck the police” resounds throughout the night, however foolishly. A few bank windows collapse in glittery confetti. Spray paint decorates a wall. We journey to the end of the night; at its perimeter, we share drinks and laughs over our absurd gestures. Finally, back at the union hall, we crash in our sleeping bags, exhausted and dehydrated, to dream of the abolition of capitalism.

I am irreparably transformed.


Lets rewind. Sixteen years ago, I am an adolescent teenager. I have entered Alcoholics Anonymous—somewhat earlier than most of my family. There, I witness one friend’s overdose, another friend’s relapse and subsequent incarceration for manslaughter, and the spread of methamphetamines throughout my neighborhood. I watch Requiem for a Dream some years later, horrified by the cinematic juxtposition of “normal” and “marginal” addiction—it feels so familiar.

I am watching 20/20, an episode exposing Nike sweatshops. Through some extended leaps of logic, I recognize a link between those exploited by sweatshops and my own condition. With this heightened sensitivity, I conclude that

1) addiction has an economic function

2) the economy includes industries that tend to harm people—through exploitation, alienation, and immiseration, the reproduction of addiction being a subset of the last of these

3) the economy tends to hurt people generally.

My initial moral indignation passes; my sensitivity shifts from a moral compass faulting individuals for their choices to something more like class consciousness. The broke-ass cars in the yard appear starker. The drive-by shootings in our neighborhood gain a new meaning. The empty refrigerators’ sad grumble reverberating in our empty stomachs, my many stepbrothers’ sweet mullet haircuts—these bring me a certain revelation: I am white trash.

Seattle: the anti-globalization summits and corresponding riots. The beautiful rhythm: work, misery, chaos. They kill Carlo and we meet at the intersection of Colfax and Broadway to block traffic, frantically trying to show our tears and rage. The war. My sister is deployed to Iraq. We wear helmets and anachronistically chant “Bring the war home!” We spray slogans and burn effigies. We block the flows of the metropolis. As if to baptize our newfound agency, we are showered in pepper spray. Tear gas spreads across entire continents. We go from basement hardcore shows to warehouse parties. Our friends learn to DJ. Cocaine comes back into style and claims two victims; heroin gets a few more. The boredom and stupidity is suffocating. We attempt to wrest the noose from our necks. Democracy sweeps Bush back into office. We’re trashing a gentrified district of Adams Morgan. My friend records an MP3 of her heartbeat, shouts and heavy breathing accentuated by shattering glass and anxiety.

In the US, we hit a lull. Everywhere else the world burns.

As we get older, we find new ways to survive. A small meeting of coworkers transforms into an ambitious conspiracy. Without making any demands of the boss, we increase our pay and our quality of life. We eat well, we can afford cigarettes, we travel where we want to: Scotland and France, Italy and Germany. Can’t stop the chaos.

In Europe, the black bloc means “no media!” I watch a snitch in a tie go down among the kicks and punches of the hooded ones. A car burns. As the police battle two thousand rock throwers, a couple hundred advance through the marketplace, smashing everything. “Tremble Bourgeoisie!” is scrawled across a temp agency service.

Back home, our own temporary involvement in the economy—our precarious life—is reflected in the windows of the temp agency, the retail shop, and the café. The image of our desire is captured in the commodities to which we have no access. Our needs are displayed in advertisements that sell us happiness and grocery store aisles that mutate our tastes and relations to other living beings. Smashing, burning, and looting make sense to us in this context like nothing else could.


What Chris Hedges fails to understand about black bloc activity is that it arises from a real need. The “cancer” that Chris finds so disturbing—the contagion of an anonymous collective force—is precisely why and how it continues to outlive every social movement from which it emerges. These generations—we who fantasized about Columbine and now only know metal detectors at school; we who expected September 11 and now only know the politics of terror; we who grew up as the world crumbled all around us and now only know the desert—we need to fight, and not just in the ways our rulers deem justified and legitimate.

As workers, we’re excluded from unions, from collective arrangements of any kind. When we manage to find employment at all, it is meaningless labor that corresponds to our own superfluousness in the economy. We were raised by a generation so thoroughly defeated that it feared to pass on its history. We are the inheritors of every unpaid bill, of every failed struggle, the products of the insanely selfish individualism of advanced capitalism in North America.

Our entire environment feels hostile. Hence our hostility.

Chris Hedges cannot understand this because he misses the real historical conflict expressed in contemporary struggles. As David Graeber points out, his exhumation of the decrepit journal Green Anarchy shows how out of touch he is. The black bloc spreads because of a real need to take back force, which has been monopolized by the police. The black bloc spreads because it is a living practice of collective intelligence, redistribution of wealth, and improvisation; it spreads because it interrupts the ways we are confined in our identities as subjects within capitalism. The black bloc is tuned to the uneasy pulse of our time.

A paradigm of life is coming to an end. The black bloc is irrevocably contemporary because our age of unrest is reflected in this gesture. Populations everywhere are becoming ungovernable and doing so by casting off the fundamental assumptions of government, the techniques of policing, and laws of the economy. The paradigm of sovereignty is collapsing.

To see what is changing, we have to understand the nature of sovereignty. The modern state is founded upon an anthropological fiction of human nature and the surgical extraction of violence from living beings. Thomas Hobbes argued that the establishment of the civil state conveyed the human being from the state of nature—a war of each against all—to the loving arms of the sovereign, rendering him a citizen-subject on the condition that he leave “nature” at the door. But this discourse separates each being from collectivity: the subject of sovereignty is always already an isolated individual. And the arrangement keeps war at the center of the state, as the sole dominion of the sovereign. Ironically, what the subject lays down in return for security—the capacity to use force—is precisely what the sovereign must wield in order to ensure it: and this is wielded above all against subjects.

The form of sovereign power shifted as democratic governments replaced autocracies, but the content of state sovereignty remains. The modern state has shifted from techniques governing territory to techniques governing populations.

It is increasingly difficult to distinguish between totalitarian and democratic governments, as policing is identical under both. The police have the power to let live or take life—biopower—and the distinction between democratic and totalitarian becomes even more muddled as management and medicine also gain this power, determining who can access fundamental human needs. The mediation of capital creates a hellish environment in which practically everyone is integrated into a single hostile terrain, subject to its violence and its justice. If the cause du jouris enunciated as “fuck the police,” this is because the police are the living embodiment of Hobbe’s Leviathan, the state that keeps us at arm’s length from our own potential.

“The police” includes all who police; policing is an array of techniques, not all of which demand uniforms. Hedges’ cancer metaphor exposes his penchant for order, translating it explicitly into the language of biopower. Remember how Oakland’s Mayor, Jean Quan, and other authority figures used the discourse of health and risk to justify the repression of occupations around the US? Hedges continues this work of policing with his metaphor of an unhealthy social body in need of surgery. Whenever the basic assumptions of sovereignty and capitalism are called into question by those who defy state violence and the sanctity of property, the police are mobilized to discipline them. This disciplining is carried out by both the armed wing and the necktied wing of the police. It’s not a coincidence that Hedges invokes biopolitical language just as a portion of the population is beginning to discover the power of their bodies.

Less than seven years ago, in New Orleans an entire population was forced into a concentration camp by militarized police forces acting on a juridical state of emergency. The ones who did not obey this order could be gratuitously shot down. The justification given during Katrina was the health and well-being of the population. One can’t help but notice this same paradigm at work, albeit with less racialized brutality, in the violent evictions of the occupations. Safety, Health, Security: Necessity knows no law. These police actions only deviate slightly from the norm in terms of intensity, frequency, and grammar of “protection.” The deaths of Oscar Grant and Sean Bell attest to the murderous day-to-day operations of the police. The other casualties, the forgotten, continue to haunt every city block, where the police function to eliminate useless surplus—either out of economic utility or biopolitical necessity.

There is no document of civilization that is not at the same time a document of barbarism, as Walter Benjamin spells out in Theses on the Philosophy of History. It is terrifying to face the wreckage of history that constitutes the present. One loses count of the tragedies. Despair, recoded as “happiness,” runs through every aspect of social life, increasingly reflected by Hollywood and ironic television sitcoms as if to anesthetize us.

The arguments for orderly, passive demonstrations by Hedges and other liberal pundits miss all this. One doesn’t sweep the floor in a house falling off a cliff. In a world that feels absolutely hostile and alien, every element of social life acquires a sinister glow. In this light, the black bloc appears as a ray of optimism because it creates an opening that leads through to the other side of despair.

The new struggles increasingly take place outside of legitimate and traditional venues. When the factory was the contested site, the workers’ movement was the most vibrant and decisive space of contestation. During the shift from a factory-centered economy to an economy integrating social life, we saw the emergence of social movements contesting social spaces. Now that social life has been fully subsumed within capitalism, the mutant offspring of the proletariat and the counterculture is appearing outside the legitimate parameters of the old movements. This explains the spread of anti-social violence, anomic play, self-destructive revolt, irony. Chris Hedges may wish to turn away his gaze, but society is imploding.

We accept our conditions and get organized accordingly. Compared to the fatal and fatalistic strategy employed by school shooters, terrorists, and isolated individuals marked as insane, the black bloc, rioting, and flashmobs are collective and vital forms of struggle. The Left is obsolete—rightfully so, as it still clings to this collapsing society at war with its population. Society is decomposing and nothing will or should bring back the the good ol’ days—the days of slavery, hyper-exploitation of women, apartheid, homophobic violence, Jim Crow. We wager that organizing our antagonisms collectively and attacking this society where we are positioned, without anything mediating our force, is our best chance for a life worth living.

Remarking on how the black bloc assaults the sanctity of property, Chris says “there’s a word for that: criminal.” Even here he is behind the times. Once, it seemed that crime designated specific transgressions of the law, such as breaking a window. Today, this fiction is evaporating as crime is openly integrated into the economy. The black market, the gray market, the war on drugs, the war on terror. Branding criminal is not simply a maneuver in a public relations war—though it is that too; crime is the excess of law. Security cameras and Loss Prevention are not there to stop shoplifting and workplace theft any more than borders exist to stop illegal immigration. The designation of criminal is simply one more tool for managing populations, another line along which to divide and exploit.

The cynicism of the justice system is surpassed only by capitalism itself. There’s not enough money circulating any more for us to be fully integrated, so entire economies of ultra-flexible, superfluous, and precarious work have arisen. We don’t do anything that appears to matter, but somehow we have to do it all the time. Just to count as people, we have to gain all sorts of stupid commodities—a cellphone, a laptop, a specific knowledge of culture. Because our wages are so low and we work so much, our only options are illicit. Petty drug dealing, sex work, and pirating movies and music have become at once a normal practice for us and a constant opportunity for the police to rein us into the justice industry. The black bloc makes sense to us because it offers an intelligent way to do what we always have to be doing without getting caught.

If Chris Hedges is really concerned about crime, perhaps he shouldn’t praise anything in the movement of occupations. What attracts us to the black bloc is exactly what draws us to the occupation of a public square: all the different people with different experiences coming together to steal back the time stolen from us by work and the spaces stolen from us by ownership and policing, the collective crime of revolt. Hum the national anthem all you want and sing “dissent is patriotic” to the media, but the reality is that anything that breaks with the way things are is categorized in the same sphere of crime as “violence” and treated accordingly. So why not do it together and with intelligence?


Above all, the black bloc is contemporary because it is a site of self-transformation. Even the abused corpse of Gandhi is in accord: if we want to change the world we must change ourselves. To take this further, we might say we have to abolish ourselves.

Capitalism has only managed to stave off revolution by constantly reordering and diffusing social antagonism. At the center of the economy, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between citizens and police, yet at the same time they appear to be at war with each other. At the margins, everything that once made antagonistic groups into “revolutionary subjects” is extracted—think of the fate of the Black Panthers—and the remaining husk works to gain entrance to the center or manage the disorder of the margins. Only an immediate break with the process by which we become subjects can open a window of potential. This self-transformative gesture is where tactics and ethics meet. If liberal commentators can’t handle the implications of this, this just shows the widening abyss between those who would defend citizenship and those who refuse to be governed.

Allow me to elaborate from our side of the barricades.

The black bloc is an anonymous way of being together. Anonymity allows me to shed the mask I have to wear at school, at work, in your parents’ house, in casual conversations at the bar. The black bloc enables us to interrupt the processes that make us into subjects according to race, gender, mental health, physiological health. Here, we can cease worrying about how power will extract the truth from us, and we can reveal truth to each other.

The black bloc assumes an intense ethics of care. Hedges alleges that it is “hypermasculine.” Not everyone who dons the black mask reads feminist and queer theory—Bell Hooks, Judith Butler, Selma James, Silvia Federici, Guy Hocquenghem—but these are extremely influential on our discourse. Had Hedges taken the time to research his subject, he would have found multiple discussions about the gender of anonymity.

Via the black bloc, we open the space to play with power. We radically reverse its operations on our bodies. Casting off the assumption that our bodies need to be protected, that we should give them over to the care of the state, we collectively re-inscribe them as as source of power. We also reverse the notion that freedom ends at the boundaries of individuals. I want you to put me at risk: in this axiom, we find the basis of love, friendship, and death, the three irreducible risks of life.

The black bloc is the site for a new sentimental education: a political reordering of our sentiments. We learn new sensations of love, friendship, and death through the matrix of collective confrontation. In the obscurity of the black mask, I am most present in the world. This unfamiliar way of being compels me to focus and intensify my senses, to be radically present in my body and my environment.

In the black bloc, I have to reconceptualize geographies. The event of the riot gives us a new mobility and space, a laboratory in which to experiment with public space and the relations of property and commodities. Moving through a one-way street backwards, I note how a slight displacement causes the flows of capital to malfunction. The metropolitan environment ceases to appear as a neutral terrain: suddenly I can identify all the ways it functions to channel all activity into a very narrow range of possibilities.

Drifting thus through urban centers, I become attuned to all the apparatuses at work and to how they can be caused to break down. Newspaper boxes and dumpsters can be moved into the street, blocking police from entering the space we are creating. Cars—the individualizing apparatus par excellence—can be put to collective use. All the pretty commodities in the window, usually the breadth of an entire social class away from me, are now a mere hammer’s distance from my proletarian hands. I can move through these spaces in which I am not authorized to be, transforming them. I can dance with mannequins or use them to smash out the windows of a storefront. I can trade the insanity of everyday misery for a collective madness that devastates the avenues of wealth.

For those of us who were excluded from the community of good workers, there is the black bloc. Like the myth of the historical proletarian community, it has no single organization, no membership, no written constitution. Through the black bloc, we find collective power, a sense of camaraderie, a historical tradition of living and fighting. It offers the possibility of immediately changing our conditions and immediately changing ourselves. Those who say it doesn’t act in the workplace misunderstand the forms work takes today and where it takes place. The black bloc has been instrumental in the recent port blockades on the West Coast and in the occupations of universities through Europe, the UK, the US, and Chile; the method is constantly being appropriated and adapted. When coworkers outsmart the cameras to take money from the register to share—when the hungry pocket goodies from an expensive health food store—when Anonymous strikes the credit card companies—wherever we use anonymity offensively, there is black bloc.

As I write this, Greece burns yet again, and more of the flexible, unemployed, and immigrant populations appropriate the tactics of the hooded ones—and vice versa. The black bloc can’t be cut out of the movement of occupations: there is no surgery that can extract the need for redemption from history, and there is no method better tuned to that task than this vital opacity. On the contrary, the so-called cancer will grow, spread, and mutate—and the movement of occupations, like other movements, will increasingly be indistinguishable from the black bloc.