Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When will we be able to set up online multiplayer matches?

A: Once I finish programming that part, which is quite a big one. At the moment, it hasn't even been started properly, as I'm still learning how to make the system work properly with more than two players. I'll keep you updated.

Q: There are several RPG elements in this game, like adjustable stats and different equipment with special effects. Will there be things like experience points and level ups as well?

A: No, what you see is what there is. When designing a multiplayer fighting game, I find it crucial that every player is on the same level and has access to the same stuff. If one player has an advantage simply because they have more time on their hands, I feel I have done something wrong. This game is meant for you to pick up and play right away.

Nintendo's Super Smash Bros limits what stages you can play on and what characters you can use until you unlock them. Team Fortress 2 gives you new weapons via achievements and random drops. World of Warcraft and other popular RPGs have a lot of stats to level and monsters to slay before you are able to wear the most powerful equipment. I give you everything from the get-go, no matter what. Every weapon, armor, Kanohi, stage, etc. Everything. The only thing I'll keep from you is the stuff I haven't programmed yet. :)

Q: Is there a background story for this game?

A: No, not really. The gameplay consists of Toa and Rahkshi fighting each other in an all-out brawl, with a few other characters and creatures here and there. There is no loyality, a Rahkshi will fight alongside a Toa no problem, if it is a team match. Toa wield Rahkshi staffs. Any character can be any gender. This breaks canon all over the place, and so there is no story either. One could always spin a story about a big tournament or something, but frankly, it doesn't matter. This is a simple fighting game, so I don't feel it needs a story at all.

Q: Will there be a single player mode?

A: Right now, there is no multiplayer mode, so single-player is essentially all you get. Most of the test maps are rather small, but Karda Nui has the closest thing to a "goal". You need to destroy all the Exo-Toa in the area, which then spawns a "boss" in the cliff village. Once this powerful enemy has been vanquished, you get a special item that maxes all your stats and gives you very high damage resistance. Any Nui-Rama hive left in the area then starts spawning more of the insects like crazy so you can test your strength. This goes on until you exit the level. So there are things to do even for a lone player, but there's no definite goal.

Creating a single-player mode would require a lot of additional map design and programming which I frankly don't have time for when I'm also doing the multiplayer part. If there ever is a single-player mode, it will be a tutorial level of some sorts. I could possible adapt this game engine to become a different, single-player game later, but let's wait with those plans until this one's done. :)

Q: An error message popped up. What do I do?

A: First, try clicking "Ignore". If the message pops up again, repeat 4 or 5 times. If it still doesn't go away, copy the message, click "Abort" (ending the game) and then paste the error as a quote here in this topic. Note that the following errors are well known:

- "Unexpected error occurred when running the game"

This means that you may be running the game on a system that does not support it. Please check that you a Windows PC equipped with XP, Vista or 7; and at least 512 MB of RAM. If you do, make sure you have unzipped all files from the downloaded folder before running the game.

- "Error defining external function"

The DLL containing the save/load system could not be used properly. Check that it is unzipped/extracted properly and that it is in the same folder as the game itself.

- "Sprite not found" (or similar)

An error in the game programming. It occurs when one of the special effects applied to a character (like melting or disintegrating) fails to generate an image to apply the effect to. This is being worked on.

- Lag or freezing

May occur after enough Nui-Rama spawn, or if too many particle effects (like fire) are in use at once. The only way to fix this is to remove the source or upgrade your PC. But don't worry too much, I've made this game a bit intense on the graphics. I may add a setting to reduce the amount of effects for weaker systems.

Q: I want to use item/power X, but when I equip X and go to use it, it doesn't work. Why not?

A: Every working power and item should be listed in the help file, which is accessed from the game's main menu. If an equipped item or ability doesn't work, it hasn't been programmed yet. This game is still a work-in-progress, after all. :)


A: Please, turn off Caps Lock, write coherently, and don't (ab)use excessive punctuation. It's much easier for me to answer questions or comment on posts if I can read them.