Not Another City States Mod (v. 10)
spacing line
by Iceco


Version History
Future Plans
Recommended Mods
Contact / More Information


This city-state mod aims to provide more choices and variety. It currently features 3 new city-states iconcity-state traits and a wide range of new city-states iconcity-states, from historical city-states, over small nations to ethnic groups, from Europe, over the Middle East to the Pacific Ocean. All can be removed as simple as deleting their XML file.
Next to this quantitative change, there are the so called capital icon'Capital' city-states. These city-states represent countries owning a single city, instead of autonomous cities, and also have a leader. In all correspondence they are referred to by their country's name, but on the map their city's name is still one of a city. These are mainly edited vanilla city-states (f.e. Hungary, Denmark and Kazakhstan, respectively in control of Budapest, Copenhagen and Almaty), but there are a few new ones too, as to balance the amounts having one of the 3 traits and meet popular demand for these city-states. In later versions I intent to make these into city-states with extended (diplomatic) functionality, true 'minor civs' as it were.


  • Modular design
    Deleting features, like the new traits or the changes for the 'Capital' city-states, or deleting individual citystates, for personal preferences or compatibility with other mods, is easy. Deleting the folders of these features or the files of these city-states will not break the mod.
    Just delete for example Bahrain.xml under \Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization 5\MODS\Not Another City States Mod\NewCityStates and the Bahrain civilization is removed from the game. Or even delete the whole NewTraits folder.
  • 3 new Traits
    Next to culture iconcultured, maritime iconmaritime and militaristic iconmilitaristic city-states, there now are:
    • commercial iconCommercial city-states: give you a certain amount of gold per turn.
    • intellectual iconIntellectual city-states: give you a certain amount of science per turn.
    • productive iconProductive city-states: give you a certain amount of production per turn distributed over your cities.
  • 32 new city-states iconcity-states
    Bringing the total to 60 city-states icon: 8 commercial iconcommercial, 14 culture iconcultured, 8 intellectual iconintellectual, 15 maritime iconmaritime, 10 militaristic iconmilitaristic, 5 productive iconproductive.
  • capital icon'Capital' city-states
    The 19 vanilla city-states that are/were not actually city-states or otherwise reasonably autonomous entities, but ‘mere’ capitals, are renamed after their respective countries and feature leaders. They still own the city with the original city-state name, but are otherwise referred to by their country's name. They also have their flag showing on the Diplo popup.
    There are an additional 5 of these 'Capital' city-states added to bring the total to 24 city-states icon: 3 commercial iconcommercial, 6 culture iconcultured, 3 intellectual iconintellectual, 6 maritime iconmaritime, 3 productive iconmilitaristic, 3 intellectual iconproductive. (Numbers included in the 60 city-states icon total above.)
  • Compatibility.sql
    This file resolves certain city-state iconcity-state - major civ conflicts likely to occur with DLC or civ-adding mods active.


The following 32 city-states iconcity-states were added:

And these are the 28 vanilla city-state iconcity-states and changes, where that is the case:

Version History

v. 10     (27 Apr 2011)        Really Working update

  • Bugfix: resolved issue that the bonuses of the new traits were not being applied.
Older versions:

Future Plans

None of these are guaranteed to be included. They just serve as a roadmap for me and to tease you ;).
You are of course welcome to contribute to this mod.

  • Many more city-states iconcity-states.
    culture iconThe Aborigine Nation maritime iconAbu Dhabi culture iconThe Ainu Nation militaristic iconAndorra
    militaristic iconAnfa militaristic iconCarthage militaristic iconDanzig maritime iconHong Kong
    culture iconThe Inuit Nation militaristic iconJabal Tariq maritime iconJersey culture iconKuwait
    militaristic iconLesotho culture iconLiechtenstein maritime iconLübeck maritime iconMacau
    maritime iconMaldives maritime iconThe Maori Nation culture iconQatar culture iconSan Marino
  • Militaristic city-states with unique units (taken from the vanilla major Civs), which you will also be able to receive as a gift. (Taken from Gedemon's City State UU mod.)
  • Language support (at least partly) for German, French, Spanish and Italian.
  • Civilopedia entries for the new city-state iconcity-states.
  • 3 more city-state iconcity-state traits:
    • influence iconDiplomatic
    • happy iconProsperous
    • great person iconProgressive
  • The possibility to interact with city-state iconcity-states as you can with major civilizations, mainly trading and diplomatic actions, possibly providing a small amount of influence iconinfluence per interaction.

Recommended Mods

Here is a list of city-state related mods I recommend:

  • Thal's Balance Mods by Thalassicus:
    Balances the usefulness of culture iconcultural, maritime iconmaritime and militaristic iconmilitary city-states amongst many other things.
  • City State Diplomacy Mod by Gazebo:
    Overhauls how you gain influence with city-state iconcity-states by introducing diplomat units into the game.
  • Mercenaries by Gedemon:
    Gives you the option to hire 'mercenary' troops from city-states.
  • City State UU by Gedemon:
    Gives unique units to the militaristic iconmilitaristic city-states found in the vanilla version and two of his mods (Yahem and Yagem). (Yes, what will be in this mod in the future.)
  • City State Leaders by mihaifx:
    Adds leader icons to the city-state iconcity-state diplo popup. This will conflict with the flag icons this mod adds. (I don't know which one will show up.)
  • Extra City States by Garett20:
    Adds 28 new city-state iconcity-states to the game. (Note: there is some overlap with my mod, so you might have to delete some of mine.)
  • City States of the World by Opera:
    Adds another 17 city-state iconcity-states to the game. (Note: there is overlap with mine as well as Garett’s mod.)
Also check out my other mod:
  • Garrison Training:
    Units garrisoned in a city can gain XP. A mechanic to get experienced (strong) units even when you aren't the warring type.


Thalassicus for getting me into modding because of his wonderful Balance mods.
Kael for making the awesome Modder's Guide to Civilization V, a crucial learning document.
Alpaca for making the Lua tutorial on the Civ 5 wiki.
Onni, again for a tutorial: on UI mods.
Garett20, Opera, Zappara and everyone participating in their threads, for making ace city-state mods which I looked at for code implementation and city-state inspiration.
mihaifx for the code for the flags in the city-state diplo popup. Credits go to Gedemon and Zyxpsylon as well, for their improvements and suggestions.
Gedemon, for the code of the Compatibility.sql major civ flagger (lent from his YnAEMP mod) and helping me on the (future) implementation of the UUs for militaristic city-states.

Contact / Extra Information

You can find me on Civfanatics, where this mod has his own Thread.
Go there for your cheers, requests, questions, contributions,...
If you want to incorporate this mod or parts of it in your mod, please let me know and give proper credit.