Anonymous - Press Release 4/26/2011 - OPERATION DARKNET #OpDarknet

For Immediate Dissemination

In  contradiction to the best practices of Anonymous, most VPN's, Tor, and  recently I2P users have been prevented from accessing certain IRC  services that have previously been associated with Anonymous. The  only option left is to connect to these US Based (and otherwise  FBI/CIA/DHS friendly/controlled) based IRC servers using your own  internet connection with little in the way of privacy. 

I2P, or the Invisible Internet Project, is a secure, encrypted, tunnel-based darknet used to maintain anonymity while hosting or accessing content within the darknet, or via proxies to external services on the "normal" net. Created anonymously for the sake of the anonymity of others, this is a great alternative to a centralized system.

I2P  is an internet within the internet, unmonitorable and uncensorable from  outside. By default, anonymous mail, anonymous filesharing (BitTorrent,  Gnutella, i-Mule etc), anonymous chat (IRC/Jabber/I2PMessenger) and  anonymous web serving are provided with the installation. Treat I2P like  your own private internet, free from interference and oversight. Think  privacy, not paranoia, empowerment, not suppression. We have users  around the world using I2P to evade censorship, not least in Egypt,  Tunisia, Iran, China, and other locations where state level interference  is routine. 

Moreover,  with I2P, you can create your own IRC channels and Ops--there  is no  censorship, and no authority. With the ability to create your own   channels and attract anons to your ideas, you will once again, see the   beloved agency return to you. 

Now is the time. 

Learn more here: 
Download I2P here: 
Follow  instructions and soon you will be connected through I2P,  completely  secure and encrypted.  Just connect your IRC client to  and you're on board 
#anoni2p, #opcannabis, #opdarknet, #anonportal and #i2phelp are some channels you may like to visit once you are.


Requirements: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 (Oracle's, IcedTea, OpenJRE etc)

Windows/non-Debian Linuxs, BSD etc.
Grab the installer from and run, either via the conventional double click route, or from a terminal via java -jar i2pinstall.0.x.x.exe -console (It's a java file with an exe wrapper, so should run anywhere java is installed)

apt-add-repository ppa:i2p.packages/i2p as root and then refresh your repo (aptitude update etc). More info here:

Convenient, pain-free install script here: or over I2P bittorrent here: http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TorrentDetail&id=12472

Coming soon!

After installation:

- If you're on Windows, and you're not running the portable installation (,  you'll want to install the I2P service for best results, and also  disable launching the browser at startup, both configurable at

Then  you'll want to head straight for the router console homepage and TAKE  TIME to read through the introductory paragraphs. Reading and  understanding what's written there will save you time and potential  embarassment later, so do it!


Using your favorite IRC Client connect to localhost 6668

for mIRC this would be:

//server -m localhost 6668


 Open up your browser of choice, set your proxy to localhost:4444 and/or localhost:4445 for HTTPS
 Config info here:

BITTORRENT for your resident, browser-based I2P BitTorrent client. Active public trackers linked at the top.

ANONYMOUS MAIL  is your first port of call for anonymous i2p mail with a world  reachable return address (you@mail.i2p internally resolves to from the inbound gateway). Create yourself an account at  postman's hq (embedded in susimail's login screen), make sure you read  the faq and guides regarding acceptable use and being safe online BEFORE  you start using your new account.


You have your own configured-for-i2p webserver ready to go! for more info.

I2P is Anonymous. 

We Are Legion. 

We Do Not Forgive. 

We Do Not Forget. 

Expect US.