Sparring Grounds icon
Garrison Training (v. 4)
by Iceco


Version History
Contact / Extra Information


Units garrisoned in a city with a Sparring Grounds built in it have a chance of gaining experience.
The chance depends on:


This graph shows the chance of gaining 1XP any given turn for melee units.
The two factors shown are the player's unit count on the x-axis and the player's current era on the y-axis. This is for a game with Standard game speed.

For mounted units and unknown combat types, the chance is 84% of this.
For archers, the chance is 60% of this.
For siege engines, the chance is 48% of this.


This mod is created to give passive civs a fighting chance against those geared towards conquest, who gain massive amounts of XP through battle and generally have a tech and quantity advantage as well.

Chance factor rationale:

Version History

v. 4 (21 Mar 2011)

v. 3 (17 Mar 2011)
v. 2 (17 Mar 2011)
v. 1 (14 Mar 2011)


Thalassicus for getting me into modding because of his wonderful Balance mods.
Kael for making the awesome Modder's Guide to Civilization V, a crucial learning document.
Alpaca and Gedemon for their documentation on and examples of Lua coding, the Lua tutorial on the Civ 5 wiki and the code of his City States UU mod respectively.
MouseyPounds and SamBC for helping me during pre-release development, solving the things I couldn't.
Again SamBC and now Spatzimaus for their help during post-release development.

Contact / Extra Information

You can find me on Civfanatics, where this mod has his own Thread.
This mod is intended as a mod component, so if you want to incorporate it in your mod, please do, but let me know if you do and give proper credit.