Proxomitron Install Instructions

The purpose of these instructions is to provide the new Proxomitron user with a quick install method that will give him/her an up-to-date copy of Proxomitron that will work. I guarantee it. ;-)


I would suggest that the best test of Proxomitron will be accomplished by using a browser that is "clean". By this I mean use an out-of-the-box browser with a new profile set to the browser's default settings. I know this can be done easily with Opera and I would expect it can be done with other browsers but am not sure. I believe Sidki designed his config to make browsing more pleasant and to add a lot of control for the user.

Gather files / Download: 4.5 June release

Extract to folder of your choice, EG. C:\Program Files\Proxo

Proxomitron's certificate, good for one year. (Starts on version date.)
Only needed if you want to use prox to filter secure/SSL connections November 1, 2010

Extract to the Proxo folder you are using. 0.9.8 / October 1, 2006. Only needed if
you want to use prox to filter secure/SSL connections.

Extract libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll and openssl-readme.txt to
the Proxo folder you are using.
ZLIB's Win32 port -- maintained by Gilles Vollant.
version 1.2.3

Extract zlib.dll to the Proxo folder you are using and allow
overwrite of original file.

Database of certificate authorities which Proxomitron should trust.
It was extracted from the Internet Explorer 6 registry after merging
a regular root certificate update (January 9, 2007).

Extract to the Proxo folder you are using and allow overwrite
of original file.

Sidki Config version 2010-10-23

Extract to the Proxo folder you are using.

Final Installation Steps:

1. Set your browser to receive http connections on port 8080 and if you want to filter secure connections set the same port for secure. I don't recommend filtering secure connections. The port number can be changed in the Proxomitron settings.

2. Go to the folder that you are using and create a new folder called 'Unused Configs'. Move these files to this folder.

Level 1.cfg
Level 2.cfg
Level 3.cfg
Level 4.cfg
Level 5.cfg
Level 6.cfg

These are Scott's (Scott Lemon - the developer who has now passed on) configs. They are outdated although they can still be used but they may act wierdly. This is just to keep things tidy.

3. Make a copy of 'sidki_2010-10-23.ptron' and rename it 'default.cfg'. The Proxomitron will look for this file when it starts up. To use another config on startup you will have to create a shortcut with the name of the config in the command line.

4. You are ready to go. Start Proxomitron.exe. Your default browser will launch and load the help files (first run only).

5. Now just start browsing and see what you think.

6. Try this to give you an idea of what Proxomitron can do. Click anywhere in the page you are browsing and a small green triangle will appear in the lower right-hand corner. Hover over the triangle and the Prox Menu will appear. You can read about that in Prox_Menu.txt which is in the sidki-etc folder or you can just start clicking. Nothing done with this menu permanently changes the config you're using. But it can change things on the fly. For instance, clicking 'Block Scripts' and then 'Go' blocks scripts for the page until that page is reloaded or you navigate away from it. Clicking 'Session' blocks scripts until you reload the config or restart Proxomitron or click the Session button again (without selecting anything). To reload the config, bring up the GUI and click the blue icon with the red arrow. Scripts will now be unblocked.

7. If you want to change the port number, you will have to save the settings. Here's what to do.
(a) Bring up the GUI, click 'config', click the 'HTTP' tab.
(b) Change the port number and click OK.
(c) Click the green icon with the red arrow which will save to the loaded config.
(d) You can also click the file menu and 'Save Config File' which will save under a name you select or you can save and overwrite to any existing config.
(e) You are going to have to exit and restart the Proxomitron for the changes to take effect because you have changed the TCP port for the program. This is not the case with any other changes you save (that I can think of). All others will take immediately.

Files for learning about the Proxomitron:

1. Help file
2. Read info in the Docs folder
3. Read info in sidki-etc folder starting with ReadMe.txt. This is info on the main config you are using which is sidki_2010-10-23

Proxomitron Sites:

Proxomitron.Info (Files and info)
Sidki's Site (Files and info)
Miss Mona's Site (Files and info)
The Un-Official Proxomitron Forum (Help Forum - Ask a Question - Requires Registration to post)
Proxomitron (Files and info)
Video Tutorial: Importing Proxomitron Filters from the Clipboard
prox-list · Proxomitron Users List (Yahoo Group - no longer very active)

Optional files:

GUI Patches (these are excellent and add convenience and functionality to the GUI)

Directory with several patches

I like Henk:

Proxy Settings:


Prox Menu: