PersonaManagement Version: 0.4 / 2011-03-07 12:01 GMT
We are Anonymous - We are Legion - We do not forgive - We do not forget - Expect us

create a new anonymous identity anonymous logo

Hide your IP

Download Tor-Bundle
Start Tor-Bundle and the included browser will also launch
Vidali Tor connected

Manage Identities and Passwords

To store our new identity information at a secure place we use the password manager KeePassX.

The password for the database should be at least 10 characters and should also contain specialchars/numbers.
Thats the only password that we need to remember.

need help create strong passwords ?

Create your fake Person

Creating Accounts

use GEN in KeePassX to generate secure Passwords

Googlemail -

Twitter -

FaceBook -

Save Information in KeePassX

Use a VPN instead of Tor

If you want faster Connections, you can also use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to hide your real IP.

But that is only as anonymous as the Provider of that Service is able to provide. While it may be a good practice to choose a VPN-Provider in a country with strict privacy regulations - Sweden, Swiss, Island are a good choice
Some of that provider claim not to log your connections, while other that do log, may be forced to hand out that Information to Prosecutors.

Some provider like accept UKASH that you can also get at petrol-stations anonymously.

Keep in mind, that when you are behind a Home-router you are some kind of protected from the Internet, because you only have private IP-Addresses on your Computer, that can't usually be reached from outside. This change when you connect your Computer to a VPN, then your Computer get a public route able IP address and can be reached from the Internet direct. So you should have a Firewall installed, in Windows Vista/7 be sure to make it a "Public network".


Important Don't use your created accounts without using Tor or a VPN Don't mention your fake account with real account Don't be first to follow/friend your fake account with your real account Don't open Pages directly after starting Tor, wait a Minute or two, for the network to stabilize and enhance security Keep your System time exact, Tor depends on Time-Synchronization To be on the safe Side, check the message log under the advanced Tab for any errors or warnings

Repeat as often as you like to create new anons for different purposes


Automate the responses by using Yahoo-Pipes.