We are Anonymous - We are Legion - We do not forgive - We do not forget - Expect us
PersonaManagement Version: 0.2 / 2011-03-06 20:50 GMT

create a new anonymous identity anonymous logo

Hide your IP

Download Tor-Bundle
Start Tor-Bundle and the included browser will also launch
Vidali Tor connected

Manage Identities and Passwords

To store our new identity information at a secure place we use the password manager KeePassX. https://www.keepassx.org

The password for the database should be at least 10 characters and should also contain specialchars/numbers.
Thats the only password that we need to remember.

need help create strong passwords ?

Create your fake Person

Creating Accounts

use GEN in keepassx to generate secure Passwords

Googlemail - https://mail.google.com/mail/signup

Twitter - https://twitter.com/signup

FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/

Save Information in KeePassX

Use a VPN instead of Tor

If you want faster Connections, you can also use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to hide your real IP.

But that is only as anonymous as the Provider of that Serivce is able to provide. While it may be a good practice to choose a VPN-Provider in a country with strict privacy regulations - Sweden, Swiss, Island are a good choice
Some of that provider claim not to log your connections, while other that do log, maybe forced to hand out that Information to Prosecuters.

Some provider like https://www.vpntunnel.se/en/ accept UKASH https://www.ukash.com/global/en/home.aspx that you can also get at petrol-stations anonymously.

Keep in mind, that when you are behind a Homerouter you are some kind of protected from the internet, because you only have private IP-Addresses on your Computer, that can't usually be reached from outside. This change when you connect your Computer to a VPN, then your Computer get a public routable IP address and can be reached from the Internet direct. So you should have a Firewall installed, in Windows Vista/7 be sure to make it a "Public network".


Important Don't use your created accounts without using Tor or a VPN Don't mention your fake account with real account Don't be first to follow/friend your fake account with your real account

Repeat as often as you like to create new anons for different purposes


Automate there repsonses by using yahoo pipes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_i-nhP4cBY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue3k8COiw8M